Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA76.9.H85 M84 2001 Cooperative multimodal communication : Second International Conference, CMC'98, Tilburg, The Netherlands, January 28-30, 1998 : selected papers / 1
QA76.9.H85 M85 2009 Multimodal signals, cognitive and algorithmic issues COST Action 2102 and euCognition International School, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, April 21-26, 2008, revised selected and invited papers / 1
QA76.9.H85 M85 2010 Multimodal signal processing : theory and applications for human-computer interaction /
Multimodal signal processing theory and applications for human-computer interaction /
QA76.9.H85 M85 2013 Multi-finger haptic interaction / 1
QA76.9.H85 M85 2015eb A multimodal end-2-end approach to accessible computing / 1
QA76.9.H85 M853 2009 Multimodal human computer interaction and pervasive services / 1
QA76.9.H85 M87 2012 Inventing the medium : principles of interaction design as a cultural practice / 3
QA76.9.H85 M87 2017 Museo digital : futuros y posibilidades = Digital museum : future and posibilities / 1
QA76.9.H85 M88 2018 Musical haptics / 2
QA76.9.H85 N48 1995 Interactive system design / 2
QA76.9.H85 N483 2011 Design and the digital divide insights from 40 years in computer support for older and disabled people / 1
QA76.9.H85 N49 2008eb New advances in virtual humans artificial intelligence environment / 1
QA76.9.H85 N49 2009 New trends on human-computer interaction research, development, new tools and methods / 1
QA76.9.H85 N49 2013 Writing for interaction crafting the information experience for web and software apps /
Writing for interaction : crafting the information experience for web and software apps /
QA76.9.H85 N49 2018 New directions in third wave human-computer interaction. 1
QA76.9.H85 N54 2013 Personas -- user focused design /
Personas -- user focused design
QA76.9.H85 .N668 2008 Cyberpsychology : an introduction to human-computer interaction /
Cyberpsychology : An introduction to the psychology of human-computer interaction /
QA76.9.H85 N668 2017 Cyberpsychology : an introduction to human-computer interaction / 1
QA76.9.H85 N67 1990 The psychology of menu selection : designing cognitive control at the human/computer interface / 1
QA76.9.H85 N673 2015 Core-task design : a practice-theory approach to human factors / 2