Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA76.9.U83 S745 2021eb Interface for an app-- : the design rationale leading to an app that allows someone with Type 1 diabetes to self-manage their condition / 1
QA76.9.U83 .S773 2018eb Game Programming using Qt 5 Beginner's Guide : Create amazing games with Qt 5, C++, and Qt Quick, 2nd Edition. 1
QA76.9.U83 S873 2010 Designing for user engagement aesthetic and attractive user interfaces / 1
QA76.9.U83 S89 2008 ebook Rapid GUI programming with Python and Qt : the definitive guide to PyQt programming / 1
QA76.9.U83 T439 2012 Projektowanie interfejsów : sprawdzone wzorce projektowe / 1
QA76.9.U83 T45 2018 React in action / 1
QA76.9.U83 T48 1990 User interface design / 2
QA76.9.U83 T4913 2004 Screen design manual : communicating effectively through multimedia / 1
QA76.9.U83 T53 2006 Designing interfaces / 1
QA76.9.U83 T53 2011 Designing interfaces / 1
QA76.9.U83 T53 2020 Designing interfaces : patterns for effective interaction design / 1
QA76.9.U83 T55 2006 Designing interfaces / 2
QA76.9.U83 T55 2011 ebook Designing interfaces / 1
QA76.9.U83 T73 2019 Think like a UX researcher : how to observe users, influence design, and shape business strategy / 1
QA76.9.U83 T73 2024 Think like a UX researcher : how to observe users, influence design, and shape business strategy / 1
QA76.9.U83 .T738 2019 Think Like a UX Researcher : How to Observe Users, Influence Design, and Drive Strategy. 1
QA76.9.U83 T74 1994 User interface design : a structured approach / 1
QA76.9.U83 T75 1994 User interface evaluation : a structured approach / 1
QA76.9.U83 T78 2011 Pro Expression Blend 4
Pro Expression Blend 4 /
QA76.9.U83 T95 2008eb Measuring the user experience : collecting, analyzing, and presenting usability metrics /
Measuring the user experience collecting, analyzing, and presenting usability metrics /