Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QA804 | Essay on Machines in General (1786) text, translations and commentaries. Lazare Carnot's Mechanics. | 1 |
QA804 .A35 1921 | Traité de dynamique / | 1 |
QA804 .A8413 2004 |
Athenaeus Mechanicus, On machines = Peri mēchanēmatōn / Athenaeus Mechanicus, On machines = Peri m*echan*emat*on / |
2 |
QA804 .B674 2018 | Movement Equations 4 : Equilibriums and Small Movements. | 1 |
QA804 .B69 | De hypothesis mechanicæ excellentia et fundamentis considerationes quædam amico propositæ / | 2 |
QA804 .G55 | Lazare Carnot savant : a monograph treating Carnot's scientific work / | 1 |
QA804 .G68 1983 | Roger Cotes, natural philosopher / | 1 |
QA804 .H47 1976eb | Mechanica et catoprica / | 1 |
QA804 (INTERNET) | Mathematicall magick, or, The vvonders that may be performed by mechanicall geometry in two books, concerning mechanicall povvers, motions, being one of the most easie, pleasant, usefull (and yet most neglected) part of mathematicks, not before treated of in this language / | 1 |
QA804 .L17 1853 | Mécanique analytique / | 1 |
QA804 .L17 2009 | Mécanique analytique. | 1 |
QA804 .M64 2000eb | The Unfinished Mechanics of Giuseppe Moletti : an Edition and English Translation of His Dialogue on Mechanics, 1576 / | 1 |
QA804 .M64 2014 | The unfinished mechanics of Giuseppe Moletti : an edition and English translation of his Dialogue on Mechanics (1576) / | 2 |
QA804 .M654 2000 | The unfinished mechanics of Giuseppe Moletti : an edition and English translation of his Dialogue on Mechanics (1576) / | 1 |
QA805 |
Mathematical Mechanics : From Particle To Muscle. Classical and analytical mechanics theory, applied examples, and practice / Introduction to mechanics of particles and systems Non-standard discretisation methods in solid mechanics The fundamentals of Newtonian mechanics : for an introductory approach to modern physics / Experimental mechanics of solids and structures / Constructing the edifice of mechanics : from Newton to modernity / Mechanics IUTAM USNC/TAM : a history of people, events, and communities / Electro-chemo-mechanics of solids / Mecánica teórica / Mechanics and physics of solids at micro- and nano-scales / Geometry, mechanics, and control in action for the falling cat / Dynamics of underactuated multibody systems : modeling, control and optimal design / A primer of analytical mechanics / Mechanics and control of solids and structures / Classical mechanics : a computational approach with examples using mathematica and Python / Foundations of mechanics / New Foundations for Classical Mechanics / Advances in mechanics and mathematics 2002 / Mathematical methods of classical mechanics / New perspectives on nonlinear dynamics and complexity / Theoretical and applied mechanics / Geometric mechanics and its applications / Meccanica Razionale Analytical elements of mechanics. Harmonic balance for nonlinear vibration problems / Classical mechanics with Maxima / Nonlocal theory of material media / Theoretical physics. Analytical mechanics / Variational views in mechanics Introduction to analytical mechanics / Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics : a modern approach with core principles and underlying topics / Analytical mechanics : classical, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, stability theory, special relativity / Mechanics and physics of solids at micro- and nano-scales Classical mechanics : including an introduction to the theory of elasticity / Lectures de mécanique : la mécanique enseignée par les auteurs originaux. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1908-09. Theoretische Mechanik starrer Systeme / New Foundations for Classical Mechanics The Aristotelian mechanics : text and diagrams / Meccanica analitica meccanica classica, meccanica lagrangiana e Hamiltoniana e teoria della stabilità / Handbook of dynamics and probability Evaluation of scientific sources in mechanics Heiberg's Prolegomena to the works of Archimedes and Hellinger's Encyclopedia article on continuum mechanics / Experimental mechanics an introduction / Mathematics and mechanics -- The Interplay. The history of theoretical, material and computational mechanics-- Mathematics meets mechanics and engineering / Newtonian mechanics : a modelling approach / Introductory physics for the life sciences. Lecture notes on theoretical mechanics / Lectures in classical mechanics : with solved problems and exercises / Problems in classical and quantum mechanics / |
53 |
QA805 .A25 1994 | Foundations of mechanics : a mathematical exposition of classical mechanics with an introduction to the qualitative theory of dynamical systems and applications to the three-body problem / | 1 |
QA805 .A47 2019 | Principles of mechanics : fundamental university physics / | 1 |
QA805 .A5 1958 | Theoretical mechanics : an introduction to mathematical physics / | 1 |
QA805 .A53 | Lęcons de mécanique physique / | 1 |
QA805 .A6 1905 | Lecons de mecanique elementaire a l'usage des eleves des classes de ... : conformement aux programmes du 31 mai, 1902 / | 1 |