Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA805 .D5613 1988 vol. 5 QA380 Bifurcation theory and catastrophe theory / 1
QA805 .D5613 1988 vol. 7eb Dynamical systems VII : integrable systems, nonholonomic dynamical systems / 1
QA805 .D5613 1990eb Dynamical systems IV symplectic geometry and its applications / 1
QA805 .D5613 1993 Dynamical systems / 1
QA805 .D5613 2001eb Dynamical systems IV : symplectic geometry and its applications / 1
QA805 .D74 2010 Theoretical mechanics theoretical physics 1 / 1
QA805 .D80 Cours de mécanique de l'École polytechnique / 1
QA805 .D94 1989eb Dynamical systems II : ergodic theory with applications to dynamical systems and statistical mechanics / 1
QA805 .E5 Analytic and vector mechanics / 1
QA805 .E838 2017eb Theories of matter, space and time : classical theories / 1
QA805 .F29 2002eb Analytical mechanics : an introduction / 1
QA805 .F29 2006 Analytical mechanics : an introduction / 1
QA805 .F5 1960 Meccanica razionale / 1
QA805 .F7 Introduction to mechanics and heat. 1
QA805 .F7 1939 Introduction to mechanics and heat / 1
QA805 .F73 2010 Non-equilibrium nano-physics a many-body approach / 1
QA805 .F76 2011eb From waves in complex systems to dynamics of generalized continua : tributes to Professor Yih-Hsing Pao on his 80th birthday / 1
QA805 .G37 2005 Geometric mechanics and symmetry : the Peyresq lectures / 1
QA805 .G39 2005 Geometric Mechanics and Symmetry : the Peyresq Lectures / 1
QA805 .G45 2008eb Mathematical methods for mechanics a handbook with MATLAB experiments / 1