Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA9.64 .C45 2009 Modeling uncertainty with fuzzy logic with recent theory and applications / 1
QA9.64 .C53 1997 Fuzzy-logic-based programming / 1
QA9.64 .C66 2011 Concepts and fuzzy logic /
Concepts and fuzzy logic
QA9.64 .C66 2012 Combining experimentation and theory a homage to Abe Mamdani / 1
QA9.64 .C69 2005eb Fuzzy modeling and genetic algorithms for data mining and exploration /
Fuzzy modeling and genetic algorithms for data mining and exploration
QA9.64 .D47 2015eb Design of intelligent systems based on fuzzy logic, neural networks and nature-inspired optimization / 1
QA9.64 .D57 2000 Discovering the world with fuzzy logic / 1
QA9.64 .D64 2009 Fuzziness and approximate reasoning epistemics on uncertainty, expectation and risk in rational behavior / 1
QA9.64 .D65 2009 Fuzzy rationality a critique and methodological unity of classical, bounded and other rationalities / 1
QA9.64 .D96 2011 Soft computing in economics and finance 1
QA9.64 .E57 2015eb Enric Trillas : a passion for fuzzy sets : a collection of recent works on fuzzy logic / 1
QA9.64 .F87 1995 Future directions of fuzzy theory and systems / 1
QA9.64 .F89 1996 Fuzzy logic / 1
QA9.64 .F89 2010 Fuzzy cognitive maps advances in theory, methodologies, tools and applications / 1
QA9.64 .F89 2013 Fuzziness and medicine philosophical reflections and application systems in health care : a companion volume to Sadegh-Zadeh's Handbook of analytical philosophy of medicine / 1
QA9.64 .F89 2023 Fuzzy logic applications in computer science and mathematics /
Fuzzy computing in data science : applications and challenges /
QA9.64 .F8927 2007 Fuzzy logic : a spectrum of theoretical & practical issues / 1
QA9.64 .F8927 2007eb Fuzzy logic a spectrum of theoretical & practical issues / 1
QA9.64 .F893 2006eb Fuzzy logic and the semantic web 1
QA9.64 .F8935 2007 Fuzzy logic and its application in technology and management / 1