Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QA929.5 | Non-newtonian fluid mechanics and complex flows : Levico Terme, Italy 2016 / | 1 |
QA929.5 .A38 1999eb | Advances in the flow and rheology of non-Newtonian fluids | 1 |
QA929.5 .A87 | Principles of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics / | 1 |
QA929.5 .B6413 1987 | Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics | 1 |
QA929.5 .C47 1995 | Fluides parfaits incompressibles / | 1 |
QA929.5 .C4713 1998 | Perfect incompressible fluids / | 1 |
QA929.5 .C76 1984 |
Numerical simulation of non-Newtonian flow / Numerical simulation of non-Newtonian flow |
2 |
QA929.5 .D86 1989 | Elements of stability of viscoelastic fluids / | 1 |
QA929.5 .K35 1982 | Non-Newtonian fluid flows : a survey monograph / | 1 |
QA929.5 .N65 | Non-newtonian flows : May 4-8, 1981 / | 1 |
QA929.5 .N666 1994 | Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics : February 21-25, 1994 / | 1 |
QA929.5 .N85 1994 | Numerical methods for non-newtonian fluid dynamics : presented at the 1994 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, June 19-23, 1994 / | 1 |
QA929.5 .T946 2019eb | ||
QA930 |
Fluides hétérogènes et réactifs: écoulements et transferts / Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 1 : Fundamental and General Techniques / Liquid Hydrogen : Fuel of the Future / Theoretical aerodynamics. Magnetohydrodynamics and fluid dynamics : action principles and conservation laws / Advances in the Theory of Shock Waves / High Reynolds Number Flows Using Liquid and Gaseous Helium : Discussion of Liquid and Gaseous Helium as Test Fluids / Instability and Transition Materials of the workshop held May 15-June 9, 1989 in Hampton, Virgina / Computational Aeroacoustics / Stability of Time Dependent and Spatially Varying Flows : Proceedings of the Symposium on the Stability of Time Dependent and Spatially Varying Flows Held August 19-23, 1985, at NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia / Advances in Fluid Dynamics : Proceedings of the Symposium in Honor of Maurice Holt on His 70th Birthday / The Mathematical Theory of Turbulence / Studies in Turbulence / What Makes Airplanes Fly? : History, Science, and Applications of Aerodynamics / Major Research Topics in Combustion / Physical and Computational Aspects of Convective Heat Transfer / Instability and Transition : Materials of the workshop held May 15-June 9, 1989 in Hampton, Virginia / Frontiers in Experimental Fluid Mechanics / Optimal Shape Design for Elliptic Systems / Laminar-Turbulent Transition : IUTAM Symposium, Sedona/AZ September 13-17, 1999 / Understanding Viscoelasticity : Basics of Rheology / Navier-Stokes Equations in Irregular Domains / Advances in Fluid Mechanics Measurements / Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics / Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 2 : Specific Techniques for Different Flow Categories / Collocation Techniques for Modeling Compositional Flows in Oil Reservoirs Convection in Liquids / Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics : 5th International Symposium Lisbon, Portugal, 9-12 July, 1990 / Optical Measurements : Techniques and Applications / Stability of Fluid Motions I / Finite-Difference Techniques for Vectorized Fluid Dynamics Calculations / Laminar Viscous Flow / The N-Vortex Problem Analytical Techniques / Turbulent Reactive Flows / Pattern Formation in Liquid Crystals / Natural Laminar Flow and Laminar Flow Control / Intense Atmospheric Vortices : Proceedings of the Joint Symposium (IUTAM/IUGG) held at Reading (United Kingdom) July 14-17, 1981 / Structure of Complex Turbulent Shear Flow : Symposium, Marseille, France August 31 - September 3, 1982 / Separated Flows and Jets : IUTAM-Symposium, Novosibirsk, USSR July 9-13, 1990 / Multiscale mechanics of shock wave processes Numerical approximation of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws / Turbulent Shear Flows 8 : Selected Papers from the Eighth International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Munich, Germany, September 9-11, 1991 / The two-dimensional Riemann problem in gas dynamics / Turbulent Shear Flows 9 : Selected Papers from the Ninth International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Kyoto, Japan, August 16-18, 1993 / Developments in Laser Techniques and Applications to Fluid Mechanics : Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium Lisbon, Portugal, 11-14 July, 1994 / Computational Fluid Dynamics : an Introduction / Implementation of Finite Element Methods for Navier-Stokes Equations / Foundations of Fluid Dynamics / Turbulent Shear Flows 7 : Selected Papers from the Seventh International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Stanford University, USA, August 21-23, 1989 / Ram Accelerators : Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ram Accelerators Held in Sendai, Japan, 16-18 July 1997 / Schlieren and Shadowgraph Techniques : Visualizing Phenomena in Transparent Media / Aerothermodynamics in Combustors : IUTAM Symposium Taipei, Taiwan, 1991 / Advances in Turbulence 3 : Proceedings of the Third European Turbulence Conference Stockholm, July 3-6, 1990 / Advances in Turbulence 2 : Proceedings of the Second European Turbulence Conference, Berlin, August 30 - September 2, 1988 / Computational Fluid Dynamics : Selected Topics / Adiabatic Waves in Liquid-Vapor Systems IUTAM Symposium Göttingen, 28.8.-1.9.1989 / Computational Methods for Fluid Flow / Unsteady Viscous Flows / Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics Fluid- and Gasdynamics / Statistical Physics of Fluids : Basic Concepts and Applications / Frontiers in Fluid Mechanics : a Collection of Research Papers Written in Commemoration of the 65th Birthday of Stanley Corrsin / Wave Breaking : a Numerical Study / Lectures on Fluid Dynamics : a Particle Theorist's View of Supersymmetric, Non-Abelian, Noncommutative Fluid Mechanics and d-Branes / Turbulent Shear Flows 6 : Selected Papers from the Sixth International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, September 7-9, 1987 / Turbulent Shear Flows 5 : Selected Papers from the Fifth International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA, August 7-9, 1985 / Turbulent Shear Flows 4 : Selected Papers from the Fourth International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, FRG, September 12-14, 1983 / Propagation in Systems Far from Equilibrium Proceedings of the Workshop, Les Houches, France, March 10-18, 1987 / Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 1 Fundamental and General Techniques / Dissipative Structures in Transport Processes and Combustion : Interdisciplinary Seminar, Bielefeld, July 17-21, 1989 / Turbulent Shear Flows 3 : Selected Papers from the Third International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, the University of California, Davis, September 9-11, 1981 / |
76 |
QA930 .A25 2001 | Advances in the theory of shock waves / | 1 |
QA930 .B213 | Three-dimensional flow of ideal gases around smooth bodies : (Prostranstvennoe obtekanie gladkikh tel idealʹnym gazom / | 1 |
QA930 .B3 | Izėntropicheskoe techenie gazov : tabli︠t︡sy i popravochnye nomogrammy. Isentropic gas-flow; tables and correction nomograms. | 1 |
QA930 .B385 | Beiträge zur Spannungs- und Dehnungsanalyse / | 1 |
QA930 .B4 | Mathematical aspects of subsonic and transonic gas dynamics. | 1 |
QA930 .B787 1995 | Mathematical models and methods of localized interaction theory / | 1 |