QA930 .C3
Aerodynamics of high speed : facsimiles of nineteen fundamental studies as they were originally reported in the scientific journals / |
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QA930 .C34 2000
Rarefied gas dynamics : from basic concepts to actual calculations / |
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QA930 .C43 2017
CFD for atmospheric flows and wind engineering / |
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QA930 .C45 1973eb
Lectures on the theory of exothermic flows behind shock waves / |
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QA930 .C6
Supersonic flow and shock waves / |
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QA930 .D66 1988
Studies in nonlinear aeroelasticity / |
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QA930 .E5
Gas dynamics tables for air. |
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QA930 .F4
Elements of aerodynamics of supersonic flows. |
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QA930 .F47
Aerodinamica transonica / |
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QA930 .F56 1984
Flow around bluff bodies : numerical and experimental approaches : May 21-25, 1984 / |
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QA930 .F74
Gas dynamics of thin bodies / |
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QA930 .H39
Hypersonic flow theory |
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QA930 .H69 1970
Tables for the compressible flow of dry air : giving major parameters for the Mach number range 0 to 4γ=1.403 / |
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QA930 .K345 1980
Principles of ideal-fluid aerodynamics / |
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QA930 .K5875 2019eb
Energy deposition for high-speed flow control / |
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QA930 .K67 1991
Multigrid and defect correction for the steady Navier-Stokes equations : application to aerodynamics / |
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QA930 .K74
Principles of ideal-fluid aerodynamics / |
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QA930 .K78
Turbulentnyĭ pogranichnyĭ sloĭ szhimaemogo gaza. |
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QA930 .K7813
Turbulent boundary layers in compressible gases / |
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QA930 .K7913 1992
Non-classical equations of mixed type and their applications in gas dynamics / |
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