Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA93 .S49 2002eb The A to Z of mathematics : a basic guide /
The A to Z of mathematics a basic guide /
QA93 .S5 1959 Great ideas of modern mathematics, their nature and use. 1
QA93 .S68 Mathematics : the man-made universe; an introduction to the spirit of mathematics. 1
QA93 .S68 1969 Mathematics: the man-made universe : an introduction to the spirit of mathematics / 1
QA93 .S684 1996 Strength in numbers : discovering the joy and power of mathematics in everyday life / 1
QA93 .S713 1969 Mathematical snapshots / 1
QA93 .S734 1996 From here to infinity / 1
QA93 .S734 1996eb From here to infinity / 1
QA93 .S736 1997 The magical maze : seeing the world through mathematical eyes / 1
QA93 .S736 1997eb The magical maze : seeing the world through mathematical eyes / 1
QA93 .S736 1998 The magical maze : seeing the world through mathematical eyes / 1
QA93 .S74 1987 The problems of mathematics / 1
QA93 .S74 1992 The problems of mathematics / 2
QA93 .S744 2021eb What's the use? : how mathematics shapes everyday life / 1
QA93 .S8713 2021 Mathematics is beautiful : suggestions for people between 9 and 99 years to look at and explore / 1
QA93 .S97 2003 Kepler's conjecture : how some of the greatest minds in history helped solve one of the oldest math problems in the world / 1
QA93 .S97 2003eb Kepler's conjecture : how some of the greatest minds in history helped solve one of the oldest math problems in the world / 1
QA93 .S973 2010 A mathematical medley : fifty easy pieces on mathematics / 1
QA93 .W385 1995  
QA93 .W385 1997 You are a mathematician : a wise and witty introduction to the joy of numbers / 1