Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA93 .W43 2013 What mathematics can do for you essays and tips from Japanese industry leaders / 1
QA93 .Y38 2019 The maths of life and death : why maths of life is (almost) everything / 1
QA93 ebook Pensamiento matemático /
Sarando vuleve al mundo de las matemáticas
Las matemáticas de la vida cotidiana : la realidad como recurso de aprendizaje y las matemáticas como medio de comprensión /
Demostraciones visuales : ver para pensar /
El numeronomicón : diccionario de números, sus propiedades matemáticas, tradición histórica y simbolismo /
Déjame contarte : algunas historias sobre matemáticas /
QA94 ebook Cuentos y cuentas de los matemáticos / 1
QA95 Winning ways for your mathematical plays.
The puzzles of Nobuyuki Yoshigahara /
Parabolic problems : 60 years of mathematical puzzles in Parabola /
Mathematical recreations from the Tournament of the Towns /
Mathematical puzzles /
S.M.A.R.T. circle overview /
The Tower of Hanoi : myths and maths /
The call of the primes : surprising patterns, peculiar puzzles, and other marvels of mathematics /
Take a look at a good book : the third collection of additive alphametics for the connoisseur /
At Last!! Encoded Totals Second Addition : the Long-Awaited Sequel to Have Some Sums to Solve.
Great circles : the transits of mathematics and poetry /
Creative puzzles to ignite your mind /
Mathematical puzzle tales from Mount Olympus /
Mathematical games and pastimes
The baseball mysteries : challenging puzzles for logical detectives /
Ahmes' legacy : puzzles and the mathematical mind /
Are You The King, Or Are You The Joker? : Play Math For Young Children.
Mathematicians playing games /
Mathematical conundrums /
Domination games played on graphs /
Math logic mysteries : mathematical problem solving with deductive reasoning.
One hundred prisoners and a light bulb /
QA95 .A24 Magic house of numbers / 1
QA95 .A28 Mathematische Unterhaltungen und Spiele / 1
QA95 .A45 Mathematical snack bar : a collection of notes and results / 1
QA95 .A5613 1991 Anno's math games III / 1
QA95 .B13 Mathematical puzzles and pastimes. 1
QA95 .B13 1965 Mathematical puzzles and pastimes. 1
QA95 .B15 1952 Mathematics, its magic and mastery. 1
QA95 .B15 1967 Mathematics, its magic and mastery. 1
QA95 .B2 1956 Mathematical recreations & essays / 1
QA95 .B2 1960 Mathematical recreations & essays / 1
QA95 .B3585 2020 Barrycades and septoku : papers in honor of Martin Gardner and Tom Rodgers / 1
QA95 .B446 1982 Winning ways, for your mathematical plays / 1
QA95 .B446 2001 Winning ways for your mathematical plays / 1
QA95 .B446 2001 vol. 3 Winning ways for your mathematical plays. 1
QA95.B446 2001eb Winning ways for your mathematical plays. 2