Call Number (LC) Title Results
QB107 .D28 2000 The longitude prize / 2
QB107 .D6413 1996 History of the hour : clocks and modern temporal orders / 1
QB107 .G6 1960 The marine chronometer : its history and development / 1
QB107 .H37 2020 Harrison decoded : towards a perfect pendulum clock / 1
QB107 .J65 2017 A portable cosmos : revealing the Antikythera Mechanism, scientific wonder of the ancient world / 1
QB107 .L37 2003 The man who made time travel / 1
QB107 .M35 1998 The quantum beat : the physical principles of atomic clocks / 1
QB107 .M35 2007 The quantum beat : principles and applications of atomic clocks / 1
QB107 .M35 2007eb The quantum beat principles and applications of atomic clocks / 1
QB107 .M37 2009 Decoding the heavens : a 2,000-year-old computer--and the century-long search to discover its secrets / 1
QB107 .M64 1686 Sciothericum telescopicum, or, A new contrivance of adapting a telescope to an horizontal dial for observing the moment of time by day or night useful in all astronomical observations, and for regulating and adjusting curious pendulum-watches and other time-keepers, with proper tables requisite thereto / 2
QB107 .N32 Heavenly clockwork : the great astronomical clocks of medieval China / 1
QB107 .O33 1982 Die Farnesianische Uhr : der astronomische Automat Bernardo Facinis und die Zeichnungen Nicola Anitos in der Vatikanischen Bibliothek / 1
QB107 .O3813 2020 The astronomical clock of Strasbourg Cathedral : function and significance / 1
QB107 .O44 1985 Die Uhr als Modell des Kosmos und der astronomische Apparat Bernardo Facinis / 1
QB107 .P74 Gears from the Greeks : the Antikythera mechanism, a calendar computer from ca. 80 B.C. / 1
QB107 .P74 1975 Gears from the Greeks : the Antikythera mechanism : a calendar computer from ca. 80 B.C. / 1
QB107 .Q5 John Harrison : the man who found longitude / 1
QB117 .A38 2012 Advanced gravitational wave detectors /
Advanced Gravitational Wave Detectors.
QB117 .E86 2005 The power of optical/IR interferometry : recent scientfic results and 2nd generation instrumentation : proceedings of the ESO Workshop held in Garching, Germany, 4-8 April 2005 / 2