Call Number (LC) Title Results
QB175 .S83 2000 Observations and predictions of eclipse times by early astronomers / 1
QB185 .P68 Graze observer's handbook / 1
QB185.8.T84 I57 1990a Tumor necrosis factor : structure-function relationship and clinical application / 1
QB201 .C75 A text-book of field astronomy for engineers / 1
QB201 .F13 Astronomy : Determination of time, longitude, latitude, and azimuth / 1
QB201 .H4 A text-book of geodetic astronomy / 1
QB201 .K7413 1987 Probability and statistics in geodesy and geophysics / 1
QB201 .S64 2013 Space-time reference systems 1
QB205.A57 C37 1981 Catalog of JARE geodetic survey data / 1
QB205 .U367 1978 The American atlas : US latitudes and longitudes, time changes, and time zones / 1
QB205 .U367 1981 The American atlas : US latitudes and longitudes, time changes, and time zones / 1
QB207 .A75 2006 Plotting the globe : stories of meridians, parallels, and the international date line / 1
QB207 .B37 1630 A most plaine and easie way for the finding of the sunnes amplitude and azimuth, and thereby the variation of the compasse, by logarithme 1
QB207 .K46 1987 Al-Kāshī's geographical table / 1
QB207 .M35 1984 The Greenwich Meridian / 1
QB209 Adventure Time and Philosophy.
The nature of time /
QB209 .A2 Time in your life / 1
QB209 .A8 1959 The clock we live on / 1
QB209 .A94 1989 Empires of time : calendars, clocks, and cultures / 2
QB209 .A94 2002 Empires of time : calendars, clocks, and cultures / 2