Call Number (LC) Title Results
QB405 .L675 2008  
QB405 .L675 2010 Titan Unveiled : Saturn's Mysterious Moon Explored (New in Paper) 2
QB405 .M38 1983 Maxwell on Saturn's rings / 2
QB405 .P53 1996 Atelier de travail PHESAT95 sur l'observation des phénomènes des satellites de Saturne en 1995 = PHESAT95 Workshop on the observation of the phenomena of the satellites of Saturn in 1995 / 1
QB405 .P7 1882 Saturn and its system : containing discussions of the motions (real and apparent) and telescopic appearance of the planet Saturn, its satellites, and rings; the nature of the rings; and the habitability of the planet. To which are appended notes on Chaldaean astronomy, Laplace's nebular theory, and a series of tables / 1
QB405 .T585 2014eb Titan interior, surface, atmosphere, and space environment /
Titan : Interior, Surface, Atmosphere, and Space Environment /
QB406 .N5 The Uranian and Neptunian systems, investigated with the 26-inch equatorial of the United States naval observatory. 1
QB410 The stability of rotating liquid masses / 1
QB410 .C47 Ellipsoidal figures of equilibrium / 1
QB410 .C47 1987 Ellipsoidal figures of equilibrium / 1
QB410 .L95 The stability of rotating liquid masses. 1
QB410 .R45 2008 Relativistic figures of equilibrium / 1
QB410 .R45 2008eb Relativistic figures of equilibrium / 1
QB410 .S213 Equilibrium configurations of degenerate gaseous masses / 1
QB411.4 .A47 Amplitude and intensity spatial interferometry. 1
QB415 .D2 The tides and kindred phenomena in the solar system : the substance of lectures delivered in 1897 at the Lowell institute, Boston, Massachusetts / 1
QB415 .D2 1962 The tides and kindred phenomena in the solar system / 1
QB415 .D413 Ebb and flow ; the tides of earth, air, and water / 1
QB415 .H64 1875 On tides and tidal actions in harbors. 1
QB415 .H6913 Address of M. Hoene Wronski to the British Board of Longitude upon the actual state of the mathematics, their reform, and upon the new celestial mechanics, giving the definitive solution of the problem of longitude / 1