QB460 .S67 vol. 7 pt. 1
Helioseismology : theory and interpretation of experimental data / |
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QB460 .S67 vol. 7 pt. 2
Open clusters, associations and stellar complexes / |
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QB460 .S67 vol. 7 pt. 3
Relativistic astrophysics / |
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QB460 .S67 vol. 7 pt. 4
Degenerate cores of white dwarfs and envelopes of neutron stars : thermodynamics and plasma screening in thermonuclear reactions / |
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QB460 .S67 vol. 8
Cosmic-ray-generated magnetohydrodynamic turbulence / |
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QB460 .S67 vol. 8 pt. 1
Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud : observations and theory / |
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QB460 .S67 vol. 8 pt. 2
Thermonuclear burning and the explosion of degenerate matter in supernovae / |
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QB460 .S67 vol. 8 pt. 3
The distribution of mass and angular momentum in the solar system / |
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QB460 .S67 vol. 8 pt. 4
Cosmic-ray-generated magnetohydrodynamic turbulence / |
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QB460 .S67 vol. 8 pt. 5
Gas dynamics of solar wind interaction with interstellar gas : theory and experiment / |
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QB460 .T66 1989
Astrophysics and particle physics : proceedings of the Topical Seminar on Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Centro Studi 'I Cappuccini' della Cassa di Risparmio di San Miniato, San Miniato, Italy 8-12 May 1989 / |
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QB460 .T87 2009eb
Turbulence, dynamos, accretion disks, pulsars and collective plasma processes First Kodai-Trieste Workshop on Plasma Astrophysics held at the Kodaikanal Observatory Kodaikanal, India, August 27-September 7, 2007 / |
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QB460 .T97 2000
The sky is not the limit : adventures of an urban astrophysicist / |
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QB460 .U53 1994
Numerical simulations in astrophysics : proceedings of the first UNAM-CRAY Supercomputing Workshop, "Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe" held in Mexico City, México, July 26-30, 1993 / |
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QB460 .V58 1999
From extrasolar planets to cosmology : the VLT Opening Symposium : proceedings of the ESO symposium held at Antofagasta, Chile, 1-4 March 1999 / |
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QB460 .W92 1988
Proceedings of the workshop on particle astrophysics : forefront experimental issues : December 8-10, 1988, University of California at Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California / |
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QB460 .X53 2019e
Xiamen-CUSTIPEN Workshop on the Equation of State of Dense Neutron-Rich Matter in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy : 3-7 January 2019, Xiamen, China / |
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QB460.15 .C43 1997
The non-radial oscillations of stars in general relativity and other writings / |
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QB460.15 ebook
El universo en el III milenio / |
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QB460.7 .G43 2006
Revolutionaries of the cosmos : the astro-physicists / |
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