Call Number (LC) Title Results
QB82.A92 S54 1990 The creation of the Anglo-Australian observatory / 1
QB82 .C28 Report of committee on southern and solar observatories. 1
QB82 .C355 Ten years' work of a mountain observatory : a brief account of the Mount Wilson solar observatory of the Carnegie institution of Washington. 1
QB82.C5 N67 2016 Nostalgia de la luz / 1
QB82.C52 Astronomy at the turn of the twentieth century in Chile and the United States : chasing southern stars, 1903-1929 / 1
QB82 .E25 Report of the Astronomer Royal for Scotland for the year ending ... / 1
QB82.E25 T45 2013eb Thirty years of astronomical discovery with UKIRT : the scientific achievement of the United Kingdom infrared telescope / 1
QB82.F82 S77 2005eb The multinational history of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory 1
QB82.G3 E97 2012eb Europe to the stars : ESO's first 50 years of exploring the southern sky / 1
QB82.G42 M33 2012 The Jewel on the Mountaintop The European Southern Observatory through Fifty Years : the European Southern Observatory Through Fifty Years. 1
QB82.G572 P689 1996 Vom grossen Refraktor zum Einsteinturm : eine Ausstellung zum 70. Jahrestag des Einsteinturms in Potsdam = From the great refractor to the Einstein Tower : en exhibition on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Einstein Tower in Potsdam / 1
QB82.G7 British university observatories, 1772-1939 / 1
QB82.G7 H53 2009 Building a roll-off roof observatory a complete guide for design and construction / 1
QB82.G7 H88 2008 British university observatories, 1772-1939 / 1
QB82.G7 M67 2002 More small astronomical observatories / 1
QB82.G7 R64 2008 My heavens! : the adventures of a lonely stargazer building an over-the-top observatory / 1
QB82.G7 R64 2008eb My heavens! : the adventures of a lonely stargazer building an over-the-top observatory /
My heavens! the adventures of a lonely stargazer building an over-the-top observatory /
QB82.G7 S63 1996 Small astronomical observatories : amateur and professional designs and constructions / 1
QB82.G72 A743 1990 Church, state and astronomy in Ireland : 200 years of Armagh Observatory / 1
QB82.G72 .A744 1990 The way to the stars : an introduction to astronomy in Armagh / 1