Call Number (LC) Title Results
QB82.U62 Yerkes Observatory, 1892-1950 : the Birth, Near Death, and Resurrection of a Scientific Research Institution. 1
QB82.U62 A432 History of the Dudley Observatory, 1852-1956. 1
QB82.U62 A435 1987 Elites in conflict : the antebellum clash over the Dudley Observatory / 2
QB82.U62 A438 2004 Civic astronomy : Albany's Dudley Observatory, 1852-2002 / 1
QB82.U62 A569 1998 A creation of his own : Tappan's Detroit Observatory / 1
QB82.U62 C3 1965 Palomar pictorial. 1
QB82.U62 C4 The Harvard College Observatory : the first four directorships, 1839-1919 / 1
QB82.U62 C67 2015eb Eclipses, transits, and comets of the nineteenth century : how America's perception of the skies changed / 1
QB82.U62 F537 1994 The explorers of Mars Hill : a centennial history of Lowell Observatory, 1894-1994 / 1
QB82.U62 F674 1986 Big and bright : a history of the McDonald Observatory / 1
QB82.U62 F675 1997eb Seeing stars McDonald Observatory : its science and astronomers / 1
QB82.U62 H37 2016 Good seeing : best practices for sustainable operations at the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing Site / 1
QB82.U62 K584 1997 AURA and its US national observatories / 1
QB82.U62 K585 1983 Realm of the long eyes : a brief history of Kitt Peak National Observatory / 1
QB82.U62 K587 2004 A visitor's guide to the Kitt Peak observatories / 1
QB82.U62 K587 2004eb A visitor's guide to the Kitt Peak observatories / 1
QB82.U62 M387 1994 Stairway to the stars : the story of the world's largest observatory / 2
QB82.U62 M686 1988 Eye on the sky : Lick Observatory's first century / 1
QB82.U62 M689 1987 James Lick's monument : the saga of Captain Richard Floyd and the building of the Lick Observatory / 1
QB82.U62 S33 1990 National Solar Observatory users' manual. 1