Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QB84.5 .S64 2002 | Specialized optical developments in astronomy : 25-26 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA / | 1 |
QB84.5 .S64 2003 |
Specialized optical developments in astronomy 25-26 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA / Specialized optical developments in astronomy : 25-26 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA / |
2 |
QB84.5 .T44 2000 | Telescope structures, enclosures, controls, assembly/integration/validation, and commissioning : 27-31 March 2000, Munich, Germany / | 1 |
QB84.5 .T45 2000 | Telescope structures, enclosures, controls, assembly/integration/validation, and commissioning 27-31 March 2000, Munich, Germany / | 1 |
QB85 | Heaven and Earth united : instruments in astrological contexts / | 1 |
QB85 .A34 1998 | Western astrolabes / | 1 |
QB85 .A88 2005 | Astrolabes at Greenwich : a catalogue of the astrolabes in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich / | 1 |
QB85 .A88 2019 | Astrolabes in Medieval cultures / | 1 |
QB85 .B6 1597 | An apollogie confirmation explanation and addition to the Vranicall astrolabe | 1 |
QB85 .B62 1585 | The mathematical jewel, : shewing the making, and most excellent vse of a singuler instrument so called: in that it performeth with wonderfull dexteritie, whatsoeuer is to be done, either by quadrant, ship, circle, cylinder, ring, dyall, horoscope, astrolabe, sphere, globe, or any such like heretofore deuised: yea or by most tables commonly extant: and that generally to all places from pole to pole. The vse of which iewel, is so aboundant and ample, that it leadeth any man practising thereon, the direct pathway (from the first steppe to the last) through the whole artes of astronomy, cosmography, geography, topography, nauigation, longitudes of regions, dyalling, sphericall triangles, setting figures, and briefely of whatsoeuer concerneth the globe or sphere: with great and incredible speede, plainenesse, facilitie, and pleasure: the most part newly founde out by the author, compiled and published for the furtherance, as well of gentlemen and others desirous of speculatiue knowledge, and priuate practise: as also for the furnishing of such worthy mindes, nauigators, and traueylers, that pretend long voyages or new discoueries: / | 1 |
QB85 .B8 1969 | Tychonis Brahe Astronomiae instauratae mechanica. | 1 |
QB85 .B83 | Tycho Brahe's description of his instruments and scientific work : as given in Astronomiae instauratae mechanica (Wandesburgi 1598) / | 1 |
QB85 .C45 2003 | Mathematical instrumentation in fourteenth-century Egypt and Syria : the illustrated treatise of Najm al-Dīn al-Mīṣrī / | 1 |
QB85 .C45 2003eb | Mathematical instrumentation in fourteenth-century Egypt and Syria : the illustrated treatise of Najm al-Dīn al-Mīṣrī / | 1 |
QB85 .D866 2015eb | L'astrolabe : voyage autour du monde. | 1 |
QB85 .F67 |
The description and use of the nocturnal De instrumentis plantariis cui usui inserviunt, & quomodo sunt tractanda / |
4 |
QB85 .F736 1920 | Zur Geschichte des Astrolabs / | 1 |
QB85 .G75 2021 | Deux traités byzantins de construction de l'astrolabe / | 1 |
QB85 .H25 | Documenta astronomica : eine Ausstellung historischer Instrumente und Dokumenta zur Entwicklung der astronomischen Messkunst im Museum für Völkerkunde und Vorgeschichte, Hamburg, 23. August bis 5. September 1964 / | 1 |
QB85 .H43 2018 | Heaven and Earth united : instruments in astrological contexts / | 1 |