Call Number (LC) Title Results
QB85 .L21 1700 Astroscopium, or Two hemispheres, containing all the northern and southern constellations projected upon the poles of the word [sic], according to the observations of Mr. Halley, which (by the help of a moveable horizon) are rendred serviceable in any latitude : the uses of which hemispheres are illustrated by variety of examples : whereunto is added, the antient poetical stories of the stars, shewing reasons why the several shapes and forms are pictures on the coelestical globes. 1
QB85 .L35 Astroscopium, or, Two hemispheres containing all the northern and southern constellations projected upon the poles of the world which (by the help of a movable horizon) are rendred serviceable in any latitude : the uses of which hemispheres are illustrated by variety of examples / 1
QB85 .N37 1984 Planispheric astrolabes from the National Museum of American History / 1
QB85 .P4513 1995 Pèlerin de Prusse on the astrolabe : text and translation of his Practique de astralabe / 1
QB85 .P47 2015 De usu astrolabii eiusque constructione = Über die Anwendung des Astrolabs und seine Anfertigung / 1
QB85 .P67 De telescopio / 1
QB85 .S76 2007 Stoeffler's Elucidatio : the construction and use of the astrolabe = "Elucidatio fabricae ususque astrolabii" / 1
QB85 .T85 2003 Renaissance astrolabes and their makers / 1
QB85 .T89 The use of the general planisphere, called the analemma, in the resolution of some of the chief and most useful problems of astronomy 2
QB85.8 .C465 2017 Sŏun'gwan ŭi ch'ŏnmun ŭigi : chwap'yo pyŏnhwan, t'uyŏng ironjŏk yŏn'gu / 1
QB85.8 .H35 1986 The Hall of Heavenly Records : Korean astronomical instruments and clocks, 1380-1780 / 1
QB85.8 .N37 2021eb The astronomer's chair : a visual and cultural history / 2
QB85.8 .R44 2008 Galileo's glassworks : the telescope and the mirror / 1
QB85.8 .R44 2008eb Galileo's glassworks : the telescope and the mirror /
Galileo's glassworks the telescope and the mirror /
QB85.8 .W38 2005 Stargazer : the life and times of the telescope / 1
QB85.8 .W38 2005x Stargazer : the life and times of the telescope / 1
QB86 6th International Symposium of Space Optical Instruments and Applications : Delft, the Netherlands, September 24-25, 2019 /
3rd International Symposium of Space Optical Instruments and Applications : Beijing, China June 26 - 29th 2016 /
Physical principles of astronomical instrumentation /
4th International Symposium of Space Optical Instruments and Applications : Delft, The Netherlands, October 16 -18, 2017 /
5th International Symposium of Space Optical Instruments and Applications Beijing, China, September 5-7 2018 /
The use of a mathematical instrument, called a quadrant shewing very plainly and easily to know the exact height or distance of any steeple, tree, or house, &c. : Also to know the hour of the day by it; the height of the sun, moon, and stars; and to know the time of sun-rising and setting; and the length of every day in the year; the place of the sun in the eliptick; the azimuth, right ascention, and declination of the sun : with many other necessary and delightful conclusions, performed very readily : as also the use of a nocturnal, whereby you may learn to the know the stars in heaven, and the hour of the night, by them with many other delightfil operations.
QB86 .A53 Applications astronomiques des récepteurs d'images à réponse linéaire : comptes rendus du Colloque no 40 de l'U.A.I. qui a eu lieu à l'Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France, du 6 au 8 septembre 1976 / 1
QB86 .B68 2012eb Basic optics for the astronomical sciences 1
QB86 .B73 1974 The intensity interferometer : its application to astronomy / 1