Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC123 .V67 A treatise concerning the motion of the seas and winds 2
QC123 .W68 Mathematical magick, or, The wonders that may be performed by mechanical geometry in two books ; concerning mechanical [brace] powers [and] motions ; being one of the most easie, pleasant, usefull, (and yet most neglected) part of mathematicks ; not before treated of in this language /
Mathematical magick, or, The wonders that may be performed by mechanical geometry. In two books. : Concerning mechanical [brace] powers, motions. : Being one of the most easy, pleasant, useful, (and yet most neglected) part of mathematicks. ; not before treated of in this language. /
QC125 .B18 Experimental mechanics. : A course of lectures delivered at the Royal College of science for Ireland / 1
QC125 .B7 1966eb Kinetic theory. 1
QC125 .C29 Mechanical philosophy, horology, and astronomy / 1
QC125 .D45 Developments in mechanics : proceedings of the ... Midwestern Mechanics Conference. 1
QC125 .E4 Concepts of classical mechanics / 1
QC125 .E48 Concepts of classical mechanics / 1
QC125 .E8 The physics of solids and fluids : with recent developments / 1
QC125 .F74 Introductory physics : problems and solutions in mechanics. 1
QC125 .I55 Introduction to mechanics, matter, and waves / 1
QC125 .K3 1831a A treatise on mechanics / 1
QC125 .M37 Mechanics, heat, and sound. 1
QC125 .M37 1969 Mechanics, heat, and sound / 1
QC125 .M54 Developments in mechanics : proceedings of the ... Midwestern Mechanics Conference. 1
QC125 .P75 1964 Mechanik, Akustik und Wärmelehre. 1
QC125 .P75 1969 Mechanik, Akustik und Wärmelehre. 1
QC125 .P85 Progress in solid mechanics. 1
QC125 .S45 The modern theory of solids. 1
QC125 .S88 Mekhanika / 1