Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC133 .I98 2011 IUTAM symposium on nonlinear stochastic dynamics and control proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Hangzhou, China, May 10-14, 2010 / 1
QC133 .K36 1999 The illustrated dictionary of nonlinear dynamics and chaos / 1
QC133 .K87 2023 Spin : from basic symmetries to quantum optimal control / 1
QC133 .L63 1986 Local and global methods of nonlinear dynamics : proceedings of a workshop held at the Naval Surface Weapons Center, Silver Spring, MD, July 23-26, 1984 /
Local and global methods of nonlinear dynamics proceedings of a workshop held at the Naval Surface Weapons Center, Silver Spring, MD, July 23-26, 1984 /
QC133 .M39 2007 The motion paradox : the 2,500-year-old puzzle behind all the mysteries of time and space / 1
QC133 .M39 2007eb The motion paradox : the 2,500-year-old puzzle behind all the mysteries of time and space / 1
QC133 .M44 1985 Advances in nonlinear dynamics and stochastic processes : proceedings of the meeting on non linear dynamics, Florence, 1985 (Arcetri, January 7-8) / 1
QC133 .M63 2009eb Modeling, simulation and control of nonlinear engineering dynamical systems state-of-the-art, perspectives and applications / 1
QC133 .N64 2018 Galileo unbound : a path across life, the universe and everything / 1
QC133 .N65 1992 Nonlinear dynamics and chaos : proceedings of the fourth physics summer school, the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 7-25 January 1991 / 1
QC133 .N66 1989 Nonlinear waves : dynamics and evolution / 1
QC133 .P37 Classical dynamics and its quantum analogues / 1
QC133 .P37 1979eb Classical dynamics and its quantum analogues 1
QC133 .P37 1990 Classical dynamics and its quantum analogues / 2
QC133 .P74 2000 Predicting motion / 1
QC133 .R36 1994 Topics in nonlinear dynamics with computer algebra / 1
QC133 . R65 2015 Dynamics : Theory and Application of Kane's Method / 1
QC133 . R65 2016 Dynamics : theory and application of Kane's method / 1
QC133 .S57 2011 Sistemi dinamici e teoremi ergodici lectures given at the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.), held in Varenna (Como), Italy, June 2-11, 1960 / 1
QC133 .W33 2004 Domingo de Soto and the early Galileo : essays on intellectual history / 1