Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC145.45.H4 D57 2000 Helium three / 1
QC145.45.H4 D6 1994 Solid helium three / 1
QC145.45.H4 D65 1998 Flow at ultra-high Reynolds and Rayleigh numbers : a status report / 1
QC145.45.H4 E97 1974 Liquid and solid helium : proceedings of the European Physical Society Topical Conference, Haifa, 1-4 July 1974 / 1
QC145.45.H4 G59 1994 Excitations in liquid and solid helium / 1
QC145.45.H4 H45 1990 Helium three /
Helium three
QC145.45.H4 I57 1977 Quantum liquids lectures presented at the International School of Low Temperature Physics, Erice, Italy, June 11-25, 1977 / 1
QC145.45.H4 P86 Superfluid hydrodynamics / 1
QC145.45.H4 S36 1974 The helium liquids : proceedings of the fifteenth Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, 1974 / 1
QC145.45.H4 T4513 1987 Thermodynamic properties of helium / 1
QC145.45.H4 T96 1997 Two-dimensional electron systems on helium and other cryogenic substrates / 1
QC145.45.H4 V36 1986 Helium cryogenics / 1
QC145.45.H4 V36 1986eb Helium cryogenics 1
QC145.45.H4 V36 2012 Helium cryogenics 1
QC145.45.H4 V65 1990 The superfluid phases of helium 3 / 1
QC145.45.H4 V66 2003 The Universe in a helium droplet / 1
QC145.45.H4 V66 2009eb The universe in a helium droplet / 2
QC145.45.H4 W55 1987 An introduction to liquid helium / 1
QC145.45.H4 W56 1979 Modern trends in the theory of condensed matter proceedings of the XVI Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics, February 19-March 3, 1979, Karpacz, Poland /
Modern trends in the theory of condensed matter : proceedings of the XVI Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics, February 19-March 3, 1979, Karpacz, Poland /
QC145.45.H9 Design and analysis of liquid hydrogen technologies liquefaction, storage, and distribution /
Liquid hydrogen : properties, production, and applications = L'hydrogène liquide : propriétés, production, et applications.