Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC145.4.O6 R44 1984 Nonlinear optical parametric processes in liquids and gases /
Nonlinear optical parametric processes in liquids and gases
QC145.4.O6 W67 1979 Light scattering in liquids and macromolecular solutions / 1
QC145.4.T5 Classical thermodynamics of fluid systems : principles and applications /
Dynamics of liquid solidification : thermal resistance of contact layer /
Applied continuum mechanics for thermo-fluids /
The liquid and supercritical fluid states of matter /
Handbook of thermal conductivity of liquids and gases /
International thermodynamic tables of the fluid state.
Applied Thermodynamics of Fluids.
Coupled heat and mass transfer in binary mixtures at supercritical pressures
Supercritical Water Processing Technologies for Environment, Energy and Nanomaterial Applications /
Liquid Glass Transition : a Unified Theory from the Two Band Model.
QC145.4.T5 A67 2010 Applied thermodynamics of fluids / 1
QC145.4.T5 A86 1996 Thermophysical properties of fluids : an introduction to their prediction / 1
QC145.4.T5 J68 Thermophysical properties of fluids / 1
QC145.4.T5 .K58 2013 Liquid glass transition : a unified theory from the two band model / 1
QC145.4.T5 K841 1996 Gas (vapor) liquid systems / 1
QC145.4.T5 P53 1984 Convection in liquids / 1
QC145.4.T5 R49 Thermodynamic properties in SI : graphs, tables, and computational equations for forty substances / 1
QC145.4.T5 R64 1995 Thermodynamic and transport properties of fluids : SI units / 1
QC145.4.T5 S67 1994 Handbook of thermal conductivity of liquids and gases / 1
QC145.4.T5 V3713 1975 Tables on the thermophysical properties of liquids and gases : in normal and dissociated states / 1
QC145.4.T5 V3713 1983 Handbook of physical properties of liquids and gases : pure substances and mixtures / 1
QC145.4.T5 V47 2017eb Classical thermodynamics of fluid systems : principles and applications / 2
QC145.4.T5 W66 The thermodynamics of fluid systems / 1
QC145.4.V5 G67 2009 Complex dynamics of glass-forming liquids : a mode-coupling theory / 1
QC145.4.V5 QC145.4.V5G67 2009 Complex Dynamics of Glass-Forming Liquids : a Mode-Coupling Theory. 1
QC145.45.H4 Atomic scale dynamics at surfaces : theory and experimental studies with helium atom scattering /
Liquid helium technology : proceedings of the International Institute of Refrigeration, Commission 1, Boulder (U.S.A.), 1966.
QC145.45.H4 B67 2007 Ions and electrons in liquid helium / 1