Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC173 .B874 1918 Het atoommodel van Rutherford-Bohr / 1
QC173 .B97 The atom, a simplified description / 1
QC173 .B975 2006 Topics in atomic physics / 1
QC173 .B97613 1982 The structure and properties of matter / 1
QC173 .B9813 Nuclear physics : an introduction / 1
QC173 .C226 Atomic order : an introduction to the philosophy of microphysics.
Atomic order; an introduction to the philosophy of microphysics. --
QC173 .C23 1964 Introduction to atomic and nuclear physics / 1
QC173 .C25 Recent advances in atomic physics / 1
QC173 .C3 Atomes, spectres, matière / 1
QC173 .C36 2010 Physics of atoms and molecules / 1
QC173 .C38 An introduction to the theory of molecular structure. 1
QC173.C45 A485 2023 Condensed matter field theory / 2
QC173 .C453 Atomic and molecular radiation physics / 1
QC173 .C49 1997 Classical, semiclassical and quantum dynamics in atoms
Classical, semiclassical and quantum dynamics in atoms /
QC173 .C52 2009 Antimatter / 1
QC173 .C52 2018 Antimatter / 1
QC173 .C5515 1984 Molecular diffusion and spectra / 1
QC173 .C552 Concepts of nuclear physics / 1
QC173 .C553 The heart of the atom : the structure of the atomic nucleus / 1
QC173 .C6115 1980 Atomic structure / 1