Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC173 .B634 1946 Atomic physics / 1
QC173 .B634 1946a Atomic physics / 1
QC173 .B634 1951 Atomic physics / 1
QC173 .B634 1962 Atomic physics / 1
QC173 .B635 Problems of atomic dynamics : two series of lectures on: I. The structure of the atom (20 lectures) II. The lattice theory of rigid bodies. (10 lectures) / 1
QC173 .B635 1960 Problems of atomic dynamics : two series of lectures on: I. The structure of the atom (20 lectures) II. The lattice theory of rigid bodies (10 lectures) / 1
QC173 .B64 Vorlesungen über Atommechanik / 1
QC173 .B643 1960 The mechanics of the atom / 1
QC173 .B67 Molecular spectroscopy with neutrons / 1
QC173 .B674 1969 Atomic physics and astrophysics / 1
QC173 .B676 Atomic collision theory
Atomic collision theory /
QC173 .B76 2013 The fundamentals of atomic and molecular physics / 1
QC173 .B8 Kernphysik : Vorträge gehalten am Physikalischen Institut der Eidgenössischen technischen Hochschule, Zürich, im Sommer 1936 (30. Juni-4. Juli) / 1
QC173 .B8513 1965 Nuclear forces / 1
QC173 .B8519 The atomic debates ; Brodie and the rejection of the atomic theory; three studies / 1
QC173 .B85192 1967 Tables of transformation brackets for nuclear shell-model calculations / 1
QC173 .B853 Matière et lumière. 1
QC173 .B8532 1939 Matter and light : the new physics / 1
QC173 .B8532 1946a Matter and light : the new physics. 1
QC173 .B8553 1971 Unified theory of nuclear models and forces / 1