Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QC173.75.T85 T86 1990 | Twistors in mathematics and physics / | 1 |
QC173.75.T85 T86 1990eb | Twistors in mathematics and physics / | 1 |
QC173.75.T85 W37 1990 | Twistor Geometry and Field Theory / | 1 |
QC173.75.T85 W37 1991 | Twistor geometry and field theory / | 1 |
QC173.96 |
Mathematical results in quantum mechanics : a conference on QMATH-8, mathematical results in quantum mechanics, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, Taxco, México, December 10-14, 2001 / Quantum theory and symmetries with Lie theory and its applications in physics. QTS-X/LT-XII, Varna, Bulgaria, June 2017 / Spectral and scattering theory for quantum magnetic systems, July 7-11, 2008, CIRM, Luminy, Marseilles, France / Adventures in mathematical physics : International Conference in honor of Jean-Michel Combes on Transport and Spectral Problems in Quantum Mechanics, September 4-6, 2006, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy-Pontoise, France / Law and policy for the quantum age / Quantum dynamics of simple systems : the Forty-Fourth Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, Stirling, August 1994 / Sixty-Two Years of Uncertainty : Historical, Philosophical, and Physical Inquiries into the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics / Open Questions in Quantum Physics : Invited Papers on the Foundations of Microphysics / Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics QMath7 Conference, Prague, June 22-26, 1998 / Advances in Quantum Phenomena / Scattering of particles and radiation in astrophysical environments / Advances in open systems and fundamental tests of quantum mechanics : proceedings of the 684. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Bad Honnef, Germany, 2-5 December 2018 / Recent developments in quantum mechanics : Proceedings of the Brasov Conference, Poiana Brasov 1989, Romania / Advances in methods and applications of quantum systems in chemistry, physics, and biology : selected proceedings of QSCP-XXV Conference (Toruń, Poland, June 2022) / Quantum f-divergences in von Neumann algebras : reversibility of quantum operations / Mathematical foundations of quantum theory Advances in methods and applications of quantum systems in chemistry, physics, and biology / Reality and measurement in algebraic quantum theory : NWW 2015, Nagoya, Japan, March 9-13 / The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics -- Historical Analysis and Open Questions : Lecce, 1993 / New Developments on Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics / |
22 |
QC173.96-174.52 |
Quantum mechanics : special chapters / Quantum Mechanics A Group Theoretic Approach to Quantum Information / Quantum Optics and the Spectroscopy of Solids : Concepts and Advances / Quantum Monte Carlo Methods in Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Systems : Proceedings of the Ninth Taniguchi International Symposium, Susono, Japan, November 14-18, 1986 / Correlation Effects in Low-Dimensional Electron Systems : Proceedings of the 16th Taniguchi Symposium Kashikojima, Japan, October 25-29, 1993 / Classical and Quantum Mechanics of Noncentral Potentials a Survey of Two-Dimensional Systems / Quantum Mechanics : Symmetries / Quantum Mechanics : an Introduction / Time, Quantum and Information / Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Quantum Computing / Principles of Lasers / The Conscious Universe : Part and Whole in Modern Physical Theory / Quantum Electron Theory of Amorphous Conductors / Laser Abstracts : Volume 1 / Quantum Field Theory : a Selection of Papers in Memoriam Kurt Symanzik / An Axiomatic Basis for Quantum Mechanics : Volume 2 Quantum Mechanics and Macrosystems / The Theory of Photons and Electrons : the Relativistic Quantum Field Theory of Charged Particles with Spin One-half / Models in Statistical Physics and Quantum Field Theory Foundations of Quantum Mechanics I / Direct and Inverse Problems Potentials in Quantum Scattering / Quantum Theory and Pictures of Reality : Foundations, Interpretations, and New Aspects / Stochastic Methods and Computer Techniques in Quantum Dynamics / The Concept of Probability : Proceedings of the Delphi Conference, October 1987, Delphi, Greece / Classical and quantum dynamics : from classical paths to path integrals / Algebraic Methods in Physics : a Symposium for the 60th Birthdays of Jiří Patera and Pavel Winternitz / The Physics of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas / Selected Scientific Papers of Alfred Landé / The picture book of quantum mechanics / Frontiers of Fundamental Physics 4 / Spectral, Spatial, and Temporal Properties of Lasers / Lasers and Their Applications / Lazery I Ikh Primenenie High-Power Lasers and Laser Plasmas / Moshchnye Lazery I Lazernaya Plazma Iterative Methods for Calculating Static Fields and Wave Scattering by Small Bodies Between Rationalism and Empiricism : Selected Papers in the Philosophy of Physics / Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics : Expositions / Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications / Classical Mechanics with Maple Introduction to Superstrings and M-Theory / Quantum Theory of Many-Body Systems : Techniques and Applications / More Than One Mystery : Explorations in Quantum Interference / Paradox Lost Images of the Quantum / Strings, Conformal Fields, and M-Theory / Quantum Mechanics on the Macintosh ® / The Physics of Quantum Fields Multi-Step Multi-Input One-Way Quantum Information Processing with Spatial and Temporal Modes of Light / Symmetries in Physics : Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Honor of Professor Marcos Moshinsky at Cocoyoc, Morelos, México, June 3-7, 1991 / The Picture Book of Quantum Mechanics / Laser Spectroscopy / Conceptual basis of quantum mechanics / Gauge invariance and Weyl-polymer quantization Quantum Optics : Including Noise Reduction, Trapped Ions, Quantum Trajectories, and Decoherence / Scattering Theory of Classical and Quantum N-Particle Systems Green's Functions in Quantum Physics / Finite Quantum Electrodynamics / Information Theory and Quantum Physics : Physical Foundations for Understanding the Conscious Process / The Quantum Mechanical Few-Body Problem Stochastic Processes in Quantum Physics / Semiclassical Theories of Molecular Scattering / Ten Physical Applications of Spectral Zeta Functions / Lectures in quantum mechanics : a two-term course / Beyond Classical Physics / The Elements of Continuum Mechanics / Quantum Mechanics Axiomatic Approach and Understanding Through Mathematics. Physical Processes in Lasers A second course in topos quantum theory / Elements of classical and quantum physics / QUANTUM MECHANICS FOR MATERIAL SCIENCE an introduction. Quantum Communication, Computing, and Measurement 3 / Wave Phenomena Theoretical, Computational, and Practical Aspects / Relativistic Quantum Mechanics : Wave Equations / An Axiomatic Basis for Quantum Mechanics : Volume 1 Derivation of Hilbert Space Structure / Rayleigh-Wave Theory and Application : Proceedings of an International Symposium Organised by the Rank Prize Funds at The Royal Institution, London, 15-17 July, 1985 / Current Issues in Quantum Logic / The Boltzmann Equation : Theory and Applications / Bell's Theorem, Quantum Theory and Conceptions of the Universe / Quantum Scattering Theory for Several Particle Systems / Quantum Physics : a Functional Integral Point of View / Chaotic Behavior in Quantum Systems : Theory and Applications / Cooperative Effects in Matter and Radiation / Foundations of Theoretical Mechanics I : the Inverse Problem in Newtonian Mechanics / Foundations of Theoretical Mechanics II Birkhoffian Generalizations of Hamiltonian Mechanics / Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. Wave Equations Practical X-Ray Spectrometry / Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers / The Infamous Boundary : Seven Decades of Heresy in Quantum Physics / Fundamental Physics . Heisenberg and Beyond : Werner Heisenberg Centennial Symposium "Developments in Modern Physics" / Quantum Mechanics II / Problems of Modern Quantum Field Theory : Invited Lectures of the Spring School held in Alushta USSR, April 24 - May 5, 1989 / Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics / Electromagnetic Noise and Quantum Optical Measurements / Quantum Mechanics : a Modern and Concise Introductory Course / Quantum Electrodynamics / Coherent States, Wavelets and Their Generalizations / Principles of Quantum Mechanics / Wave Scattering from Rough Surfaces / Elements of Newtonian Mechanics : Including Nonlinear Dynamics / Mechanics : From Newton's Laws to Deterministic Chaos / Quantum Measurements and Decoherence Models and Phenomenology / Potentiality, Entanglement and Passion-at-a-Distance : Quantum Mechanical Studies for Abner Shimony Volume Two / Quantum-Classical Correspondence : Dynamical Quantization and the Classical Limit / Non-Archimedean Analysis: Quantum Paradoxes, Dynamical Systems and Biological Models / The Shaggy Steed of Physics : Mathematical Beauty in the Physical World / General Principles of Quantum Mechanics Asymptotic Methods in Quantum Mechanics : Application to Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei / Decoherence and the Appearance of a Classical World in Quantum Theory / Quantum tunneling of magnetization QTM '94 / Time: Towards a Consistent Theory / Advanced Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics I / Noncommutative Differential Geometry and Its Applications to Physics : Proceedings of the Workshop at Shonan, Japan, June 1999 / Quantum Paradoxes and Physical Reality / Quantum Networks : Dynamics of Open Nanostructures / Random Walks, Critical Phenomena, and Triviality in Quantum Field Theory / Quantum-Classical Analogies / Geometry, Topology and Quantum Field Theory / Many-Body Problems and Quantum Field Theory : an Introduction / The Physics of Atoms and Quanta : Introduction to Experiments and Theory / Quantal Density Functional Theory / Relativistic Quantum Mechanics of Leptons and Fields / Quantum Mechanics / Decoherence and the Appearance of a Classical World in Quantum Theory Feynman Integral and Random Dynamics in Quantum Physics : a Probabilistic Approach to Quantum Dynamics / Selected Papers / Non-locality and Modality Random Media and Boundaries : Unified Theory, Two-Scale Method, and Applications / Local Quantum Physics : Fields, Particles, Algebras / The Quantum Dice : an Introduction to Stochastic Electrodynamics / Mind, Matter and Quantum Mechanics / Mathematical Methods of Quantum Optics / Quantum Chaos - Quantum Measurement Quantum Information with Continuous Variables / The Quantum Labyrinth / Inverse Problems in Quantum Scattering Theory / A Development of Quantum Mechanics : Based on Symmetry Considerations / Optics of Semiconductors and Their Nanostructures / Bohmian Mechanics and Quantum Theory: An Appraisal / Quantum Mechanics: Foundations and Applications / Hyperspherical Harmonics : Applications in Quantum Theory / Quantum Chromodynamics Generalized Coherent States and Their Applications / Progress in Lasers and Laser Fusion / Advanced Quantum Theory and Its Applications Through Feynman Diagrams / Classical Dynamics and Its Quantum Analogues / Foundations of Quantum Theory From Classical Concepts to Operator Algebras / Atomic and Quantum Physics an Introduction to the Fundamentals of Experiment and Theory / |
158 |
QC173.96 .A17 2011 | 75 years of quantum entanglement foundations and information, theoretic applications : S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences Silver Jubilee Symposium, Kolkata, India, 6-10 January 2011 / | 1 |
QC173.96 A378 2018 | Probing The Meaning Of Quantum Mechanics | 1 |
QC173.96 .A66 1989 |
Applications of self-adjoint extensions in quantum physics : proceedings of a conference held at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, Duna, USSR, September 29-October 1, 1987 / Applications of self-adjoint extensions in quantum physics proceedings of a conference held at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, Duna, USSR, September 29-October 1, 1987 / |
2 |
QC173.96 .B33 2009eb | Quantum theory at the crossroads : reconsidering the 1927 Solvay Conference / | 1 |
QC173.96 .B73 1991 | Recent developments in quantum mechanics : proceedings of the Braşov Conference, Poiana Braşov 1989, Romania / | 1 |
QC173.96 .C5 | Classical and quantum gravity. | 1 |
QC173.96 C565 2017 | Quantum theory without reduction / | 1 |
QC173.96 .C64 1974 | Quantum mechanics : a half century later : papers of a Colloquium on Fifty Years of Quantum Mechanics, held at the University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, May 2-4, 1974 / | 1 |
QC173.96 .C647 1999 | Conférence Moshé Flato 1999 : quantization, deformations, and symmetries / | 1 |
QC173.96 C65 1984 | Fundamental questions in quantum mechanics : proceedings of the Conference on Fundamental Questions in Quantum Mechanics, held at the State University of New York at Albany, April 12-14, 1984 / | 1 |
QC173.96 .C67 2005 | Quantum theory reconsideration of foundations-3 : Växjö, Sweden, 6-11 June 2005 / | 1 |
QC173.96 C67 2007 | Quantum theory, reconsideration of foundations 4, Växjö (Sweden), 11-16 June, 2007 | 1 |
QC173.96 C67 2009e | Quantum theory, reconsideration of foundations 5 Växjö (Sweden), 14-18 June, 2009 / | 1 |
QC173.96 .C67 2010 | Proceedings of the Conference in Honour of Murray Gell-Mann's 80th Birthday : Quantum Mechanics, Elementary Particles, Quantum Cosmology and Complexity. | 1 |