Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC174.17.G68 H37 2013 Green's functions and finite elements 1
QC174.17.G68 M45 2011 Green's Functions : Construction and Applications. 1
QC174.17.G68 S74 2013 Nonequilibrium many-body theory of quantum systems : a modern introduction / 1
QC174.17.G68 S74 2013eb Nonequilibrium many-body theory of quantum systems : a modern introduction / 2
QC174.17.G7 Analysis and quantum groups 1
QC174.17.G7 ǂb M25 1995eb Foundations of Quantum Group Theory / 1
QC174.17.G7 B35 1984 Lectures on group theory for physicists / 1
QC174.17.G7 B37 2010 Group theory for the standard model of particle physics and beyond
Group theory for the standard model of particle physics and beyond /
QC174.17.G7 C37 1995 The classical and quantum 6j-symbols / 1
QC174.17.G7 C63 2015 From spinors to quantum mechanics / 1
QC174.17.G7 G75 1992 Group theory in physics proceedings of the international symposium held in honor of Prof. Marcos Moshinsky, Cocoyoc, Morelos, México 1991 /
Group theory in physics : proceedings of the international symposium held in honor of Prof. Marcos Moshinsky, Cocoyoc, Morelos, México 1991 /
QC174.17.G7 G76 Groups, systems and many-body physics
Groups, systems and many-body physics /
QC174.17.G7 G85 1996 Symplectic fibrations and multiplicity diagrams /
Symplectic Fibrations and Multiplicity Diagrams /
QC174.17.G7 H47 Physical aspects of Lie group theory. 1
QC174.17.G7 J67 1977 Elements of group theory for physicists / 1
QC174.17.G7 K56 1986 Theory and applications of the Poincaré group / 1
QC174.17.G7 K66 2020 Elliptic quantum groups : representations and related geometry / 1
QC174.17.G7 L37 1980 Group theory and its applications in physics--1980 : (Latin American School of Physics, Mexico City) / 1
QC174.17.G7 M25 1995 Foundations of quantum group theory / 1
QC174.17.G7 M26 2002 A quantum groups primer / 1