Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC174.17.H4 G66 2015 Cosmological implications of Heisenberg's principle / 1
QC174.17.H4 H44 2016 The observable : Heisenberg's philosophy of quantum mechanics / 1
QC174.17.H4 L56 2007 Uncertainty : Einstein, Heisenberg, Bohr, and the struggle for the soul of science / 1
QC174.17.H4 P65 2015 Toeplitz approach to problems of the uncertainty principle / 1
QC174.17.H55 A47 2009 Hilbert space methods in quantum mechanics / 1
QC174.17.H55 B57 1994 Hilbert space operators in quantum physics / 1
QC174.17.H55 B57 2008 Hilbert space operators in quantum physics
Hilbert space operators in quantum physics /
QC174.17.H55 B62 1989 Dirac Kets, Gamow Vectors, and Gel'fand triplets : the rigged Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics : lectures in mathematical physics at the University of Texas at Austin /
Dirac Kets, Gamow Vectors, and Gel'fand triplets the rigged Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics : lectures in mathematical physics at the University of Texas at Austin /
QC174.17.H55 B63 The rigged Hilbert space and quantum mechanics lectures in mathematical physics at the University of Texas at Austin /
The rigged Hilbert space and quantum mechanics : lectures in mathematical physics at the University of Texas at Austin /
QC174.17.H55 G35 2015 Hilbert space and quantum mechanics / 1
QC174.17.H55 M67 2010 Teoria spettrale e meccanica quantistica operatori in spazi di Hilbert / 1
QC174.17.H55 P78 1981eb Quantum mechanics in Hilbert space 1
QC174.17.I58 Q36 1992 Quantum nonintegrability / 1
QC174.17.I76 Dynamical systems and microphysics (two-week seminar with the theme "Mathematical theory of dynamical systems and microphysics" ; Udine, September 1979) / 1
QC174.17.I76 D96 Dynamical systems and microphysics / 1
QC174.17.I76 F35 2002eb Irreversibilities in quantum mechanics
Irreversibilities in quantum mechanics /
QC174.17.I76 H65 1985 The nature of irreversibility : a study of its dynamics and physical origins / 1
QC174.17.I76 I54 1996 Irreversibility and causality semigroups and rigged Hilbert space : a selection of articles presented at the 21st International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (ICGTMP) at Goslar, Germany, July 16-21, 1996 /
Irreversibility and causality : semigroups and rigged Hilbert spaces : a selection of articles presented at the 21st International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (ICGTMP) at Goslar, Germany, July 16-21, 1996 /
QC174.17.I76 I56 2003 Irreversible quantum dynamics / 1
QC174.17.I76 I77 2003 Irreversible quantum dynamics / 1