Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC174.17.P68 I58 2006 Foundations of Probability and Physics--4, Växjö, Sweden, 4-9 June 2006 1
QC174.17.P68 I59 2011 Quantum Probability and Related Topics : Proceedings of the 32nd Conference. 1
QC174.17.P68 K48 1999 Interpretations of probability / 1
QC174.17.P68 K48 2009 Interpretations of probability / 1
QC174.17.P68 K48 2009eb Interpretations of probability / 1
QC174.17.P68 K49 2010 Ubiquitous quantum structure from psychology to finance / 1
QC174.17.P68 P37 2005 Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics / 1
QC174.17.P68 Q36 Quantum probability & related topics. 1
QC174.17.P68 Q365 2005eb Quantum probability and infinite dimensional analysis : from foundations to applications / 1
QC174.17.P7 A middle way : a non-fundamental approach to many-body physics /
Quantum simulations with photons and polaritons : merging quantum optics with condensed matter physics /
Quantum impurity problems in the framework of natural orbitals a comprehensive study /
Stochastic variational approach to quantum-mechanical few-body problems
Few body dynamics, Efimov effect and Halo nuclei
Gamow shell model : the unified theory of nuclear structure and reactions /
Geometrical themes inspired by the N-body problem /
Many-body approaches at different scales : a tribute to Norman H. March on the occasion of his 90th birthday /
Probing correlated quantum many-body systems at the single-particle level /
Physics and mathematics of quantum many-body systems
Classical analogies in the solution of quantum many-body problems /
The few body problem : proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Few Body Problem, Eugene, Oregon, USA, 17-23 August 1980 ; plenary session papers /
Recent progress in many-body theories.
A course in quantum many-body theory from conventional Fermi liquids to strongly correlated systems /
Tensor Network Contractions Methods and Applications to Quantum Many-Body Systems /
Quantum many-body physics : a perspective on strong correlations /
Many-electron approaches in physics, chemistry and mathematics : a multidisciplinary view /
Pair-correlation effects in many-body systems : towards a complete theoretical description of pair-correlations in the static and kinetic description of many-body systems /
Many-body Schrödinger equation : scattering theory and Eigenfunction expansions /
Quantum theory of many-body systems : techniques and applications /
Non-equilibrium many-body states in carbon nanotube quantum dots : doctoral thesis accepted by Osaka University, Osaka, Japan /
Non-equilibrium dynamics beyond dephasing : recurrences and loss induced cooling in one-dimensional Bose gases /
Dynamics: Models and Kinetic Methods for Non-equilibrium Many Body Systems /
Quantum many-body physics in open systems
Recent progress in few-body physics proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics /
Many-body effects and electrostatics in biomolecules /
QC174.17.P7 A15 2001 150 years of quantum many-body theory : a Festschrift in honour of the 65th birthdays of John W. Clark, Alpo J. Kallio, Manfred L. Ristig, Sergio Rosati : UMIST, Manchester, UK, July 10-14, 2000 / 1
QC174.17.P7 A98 1986 Models and methods in few-body physics : proceedings of the 8th Autumn School on Models and Methods in Few-Body Physics, held in Lisboa, Portugal, October 13-18, 1986 / 1
QC174.17.P7 B37 2021 The middle way : a non-fundamental approach to many-body physics / 1
QC174.17.P7 B38 2022 Solutions to the N-body problem / 1
QC174.17.P7 B458 1994 Oscillations in finite quantum systems / 1
QC174.17.P7 B46 1990 The treatment of collective coordinates in many-body systems : an application of the BRST invariance / 1
QC174.17.P7 B47 1977 Quantum mechanics of one- and two-electron atoms / 1
QC174.17.P7 B53 1986 Quantum theory of finite systems / 1
QC174.17.P7 B64 2020 The finite quantum many-body problem : selected papers of Aage Bohr / 1
QC174.17.P7 B65 2016 Quantum Kinetic Theory / 1