Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC174.17.P7 V58 1994 The recursion method application to many-body dynamics /
The recursion method : application to many-body dynamics /
QC174.17.P7 W53 2011 Entanglement between noncomplementary parts of many-body systems 1
QC174.17.P7 Z34 1998 Quantum theory of many-body systems : techniques and applications / 1
QC174.17.P7 Z34 1998eb Quantum theory of many-body systems : techniques and applications / 1
QC174.17.Q29 P44 2024 Phenomenology and QBism : new approaches to quantum mechanics / 1
QC174.17.Q29 V66 2016 QBism : the Future of Quantum Physics /
QBism : the future of quantum physics /
QC174.17.Q33 Broadband measurement and reduction of quantum radiation pressure noise in the audio band 1
QC174.17.Q33 F53 2005 Quantum interference and coherence : theory and experiments / 2
QC174.17.Q33 O9 2007 Multi-photon quantum interference / 1
QC174.17.Q33 O9 2007eb Multi-photon Quantum interference 1
QC174.17.Q35 M335 2014 Negative quantum channels : an introduction to quantum maps that are not completely positive / 2
QC174.17.Q35 M38 2003 The mathematical aspects of quantum maps / 2
QC174.17.Q385 Q36 2011eb Quantum trajectories 1
QC174.17.R32 B53 The Racah-Wigner algebra in quantum theory / 2
QC174.17.R32 B53 1984eb The Racah-Wigner algebra in quantum theory / 1
QC174.17.R46 A3913 1999 The field theoretic renormalization group in fully developed turbulence / 1
QC174.17.R46 A67 1998 Applications of noncovariant gauges in the algebraic renormalization procedure / 1
QC174.17.R46 C65 1984 Renormalization : an Introduction to Renormalization, the Renormalization Group and the Operator-Product Expansion /
Renormalization : an introduction to renormalization, the renormalization group, and the operator-product expansion /
QC174.17.R46 C65 2023 Renormalization : an introduction to renormalization, the renormalization group, and the operator-product expansion / 1
QC174.17.R46 C67 2011 Renormalization and effective field theory / 1