Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC174.2 .B653513 1990 Heisenberg's uncertainties and the probabilistic interpretation of wave mechanics : with critical notes of the author / 1
QC174.2 .B656 La théorie de la mesure en mécanique ondulatoire : interprétation usuelle et interprétation causale. 1
QC174.2 .B67M An introduction to the study of wave mechanics / 1
QC174.2 .B69 Selected papers on wave mechanics / 1
QC174.2 .B695 Une tentative d'interprétation causale et non linéaire de la mécanique ondulatoire : (la théorie de la double solution) 1
QC174.2 .B6953 Non-linear wave mechanics, a casual interpretation / 1
QC174.2 .B7 Théorie de la quantification dans la nouvelle mécanique / 1
QC174.2 .B72 1954 Théorie générale des particules à spin (méthode de fusion) 1
QC174.2 .C35 Electron energy bands in solids. 1
QC174.2 .C46 1998 Symmetries in quantum mechanics : from angular momentum to supersymmetry / 1
QC174.2 .C48 1995 Chemical waves and patterns / 1
QC174.2 .C6 1963 Quantum mechanics / 1
QC174.2 .C645 Relativistic wave mechanics : lectures / 1
QC174.2 .C82 Wave mechanics for chemists / 1
QC174.2 .C85 Coulomb wave functions / 1
QC174.2 .F5 1967 Wave mechanics / 1
QC174.2 .F58 Experimentelle Grundlagen der Wellenmechanik / 1
QC174.2 .F73 1950 Wave mechanics : elementary theory. 1
QC174.2 .F74 1950 Wave mechanics : advanced general theory / 1
QC174.2 .G58 1969 Applied wave mechanics
Applied wave mechanics /