Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC176.8.E4 P768 1992eb Proton Conductors : Solids, Membranes and Gels - Materials and Devices / 1
QC176.8.E4 P788 2017 Electronic Properties of Surfaces / 1
QC176.8.E4 Q36 Quantum well and superlattice physics. 1
QC176.8.E4 Q36 1987 Quantum well and superlattice physics 23-24 March, 1987, Bay Point, Florida / 1
QC176.8.E4 Q38 1990 Quantum-well and superlattice physics III 18-19 March 1990, San Diego, California / 1
QC176.8.E4 Q38 1992 Quantum well and superlattice physics IV 23-24 March 1992, Somerest, New Jersey / 1
QC176.8.E4 Q83 1988 Quantum wells and superlattices in optoelectronic devices and integrated optics : 17-18 November 1987, Cannes, France / 1
QC176.8.E4 R45 1994 Relativistic and electron correlation effects in molecules and solids / 1
QC176.8.E4 R67 1987 The electrical resistivity of metals and alloys / 1
QC176.8.E4 R67 1991 The electrical resistivity of metals and alloys / 1
QC176.8.E4 R68 2004  
QC176.8.E4 R684 1995 One-dimensional metals : physics and materials science / 1
QC176.8.E4 R684 2004 One-dimensional metals : conjugated polymers, organic crystals, carbon nanotubes / 1
QC176.8.E4 R696 2019eb Mott insulators : physics and applications / 1
QC176.8.E4 S2413 A configurational model of matter / 1
QC176.8.E4 S373 1995 Electronic properties of solids using cluster methods / 2
QC176.8.E4 S373 1995eb Electronic properties of solids using cluster methods / 1
QC176.8.E4 S373 2002eb Electronic properties of solids using cluster methods 1
QC176.8.E4 S46 2001 Band theory and electronic properties of solids / 2
QC176.8.E4 S54 1984 The LMTO method : muffin-tin orbitals and electronic structure / 1