Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC176.8.F4 S56 1984 Magnetic oscillations in metals / 1
QC176.8.F4 T4613 1988 Electron liquid theory of normal metals / 1
QC176.8.F4 Z56 2001 Local geometry of the Fermi surface : and high-frequency phenomena in metals / 1
QC176.8.F74 G36 2005 Electrons and disorder in solids / 1
QC176.8.F74 M5913 2001 Introduction to the electron theory of metals / 1
QC176.8.F74 M5913 2001eb Introduction to the electron theory of metals / 2
QC176.8.F74 Y3613 2004 Electron correlation in metals / 1
QC176.8 .F74 Y3613 2004 Electron correlation in metals / 1
QC176.8.H66 H67 1990 Hopping and related phenomena / 1
QC176.8.H66 H674 1991 Hopping transport in solids / 1
QC176.8.H66 H674 1991eb Hopping transport in solids 1
QC176.8.H66 S55 2015 Is hopping a science? : selected topics of hopping conductivity / 1
QC176.8.L3 Spectral approach to transport problems in two-dimensional disordered lattices : physical interpretation and applications /
Accelerated lattice Boltzmann Model for colloidal suspensions : rheology and interface morphology /
Towards the optical control of resonantly bonded materials : an ultrafast x-ray study /
QC176.8.L3 A73 2001 Lattice statistics and mathematical physics : proceedings of the APCTP-Nankai Joint Symposium : festschrift dedicated to Professor Fa-Yueh Wu on the occasion of his 70th birthday : Tianjin, China, 7-11 October 2001 / 1
QC176.8.L3 A85 1986 Lattice dynamical foundations of continuum theories : elasticity, piezoelectricity, viscoelasticity, plasticity / 1
QC176.8.L3 B45 1999 Statistical mechanics of lattice systems.
Statistical mechanics of lattice systems
QC176.8.L3 D53 2014 Crystal symmetry, lattice vibrations, and optical spectroscopy of solids : a group theoretical approach / 1
QC176.8.L3 D68 1993 Introduction to Lattice Dynamics / 1
QC176.8.L3 D68 2005 Introduction to lattice dynamics / 1
QC176.8.L3 D85 2017 Dynamics of lattice materials / 1