Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC19.2 .E26 2005eb QC20 .M29 2005eb QC20.M29 2005 Mathematical Statistical Physics : Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School 2005. 1
QC19.2 .F76 2023 From kinetic theory to turbulence modeling : the legacy of Carlo Cercignani / 1
QC19.2 .G736 2008eb Modeling and simulation of new materials Tenth Granada Lectures : Granada (Spain), 15-19 September 2008 / 1
QC19.2 .G76 1988 Group theoretical methods in physics : proceedings of the XVI International Colloquium, held at Varna, Bulgaria, June 15-20, 1987 /
Group theoretical methods in physics proceedings of the XVI International Colloquium, held at Varna, Bulgaria, June 15-20, 1987 /
QC19.2 .I34 2005 Idempotent mathematics and mathematical physics : international workshop, February 3-10, 2003, Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna, Austria / 1
QC19.2 .I43 1990 IMACS 1st International Conference on Computational Physics : June 11-15, 1990 - University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado / 1
QC19.2 .I432 1991 Computational physics : plenary lectures and expanded selected papers from the IMACS 1st International Conference on Computational Physics, Boulder, 11-15 June 1990 / 1
QC19.2 .I524 1990 Computer algebra in physical research : memorial volume for N.N. Govorun, Dubna, USSR, 22-26 May 1990 / 1
QC19.2 .I5376 2017e Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling (ICMM-2017) : conference date, 4-8 July 2017 : location, Yakutsk, Russia / 1
QC19.2 .I538 1979 Mathematical problems in theoretical physics : proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Physics held in Lausanne, Switzerland, August 20-25, 1979 /
Mathematical problems in theoretical physics proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Physics held in Lausanne, Switzerland, August 20-25, 1979 /
QC19.2 .I538 1981 Mathematical problems in theoretical physics : proceedings of the VIth International Conference on Mathematical Physics, Berlin (West), August 11-20, 1981 /
Mathematical problems in theoretical physics proceedings of the VIth International Conference on Mathematical Physics, Berlin (West), August 11-20, 1981 /
QC19.2 .I538 1983 Mathematical Physics VII : proceedings of the VIIth International Conference on Mathematical Physics, Boulder, Colorado, USA, August 1-10, 1983 / 1
QC19.2 .I538 2000 Mathematical physics 2000 : [proceedings of the XIII International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Imperial College, London 17-22 July 2000] / 1
QC19.2 .I538 2009eb XVIth International Congress on Mathematical Physics : Prague, Czech Republic, 3-8 August 2009 / 1
QC19.2 .I54 1977 Mathematical problems in theoretical physics : international conference held in Rome, June 6-15, 1977 /
Mathematical problems in theoretical physics international conference held in Rome, June 6-15, 1977 /
QC19.2 .I55 1975 Topics in mathematical physics : papers presented at an international symposium held July 28-August 2, 1975, at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey / 1
QC19.2 .I57 1975 International Symposium on Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics, January 23-29, 1975, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan : [proceedings] / 1
QC19.2 .I57 1975eb International Symposium on Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics, January 23-29, 1975, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan [proceedings] / 1
QC19.2 .I575 2005eb Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics : Cotonou, Republic of Benin, 5-11 November 2005 / 1
QC19.2 .I578 2004 Global analysis and applied mathematics : International Workshop on Global Analysis, Ankara, Turkey, 15-17 April 2004 / 1