Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC20.7.F67 H89 2006eb Fourier-Mukai transforms in algebraic geometry / 1
QC20.7.F67 J36 1995 A student's guide to Fourier transforms : with applications in physics and engineering / 2
QC20.7.F67 J36 2002 A student's guide to Fourier transforms : with applications in physics and engineering / 1
QC20.7.F67 J36 2002eb A student's guide to Fourier transforms : with applications in physics and engineering / 1
QC20.7.F67 J36 2011 A Student's Guide to Fourier Transforms : With Applications in Physics and Engineering. 1
QC20.7.F67 J36 2011eb A student's guide to Fourier transforms : with applications in physics and engineering / 2
QC20.7.F67 M34 2004 A new twist to Fourier transforms / 1
QC20.7.F67 O84 2019 Lectures on the Fourier transform and its applications / 1
QC20.7.F67 S34 2016 The Fourier transform for certain hyperKähler fourfolds / 2
QC20.7.F67 S96 2001eb The discrete fourier transform : theory, algorithms and applications / 1
QC20.7.F73 Fractal apertures in waveguides, conducting screens and cavities : analysis and design / 1
QC20.7.F73 A83 2014 Fractional calculus with applications in mechanics vibrations and diffusion processes / 1
QC20.7.F73 F715 2013 Fractal geometry and dynamical systems in pure and applied mathematics / 1
QC20.7.F73 F727 2012 Fractional dynamics : recent advances / 1
QC20.7.F73 .P57 2013eb Fractal geometry and dynamical systems in pure and applied mathematics I : fractals in pure mathematics /
Fractal geometry and dynamical systems in pure and applied mathematics II : fractals in applied mathematics /
QC20.7.F73 R38 2011 Introduzione ai frattali in fisica 1
QC20.7.F73 R43 2010 Recent developments in fractals and related fields 1
QC20.7.F73 S383 2016eb Butterfly in the quantum world : the story of the most fascinating quantum fractal / 1
QC20.7.F73 T45 2004 Thinking in patterns : fractals and related phenomena in nature / 1
QC20.7.F73 T45 2004eb Thinking In Patterns : Fractals And Related Phenomena In Nature. 1