Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC20.7.R43 B46 1995 Renormalization group / 1
QC20.7.R43 C64 A renormalization group analysis of the hierarchical model in statistical mechanics /
A renormalization group analysis of the hierarchical model in statistical mechanics
QC20.7.R43 C74 1992 Introduction to renormalization group methods in physics / 1
QC20.7.R43 H65 2013 Renormalization group and fixed points : in quantum field theory / 1
QC20.7.R43 K67 2010 Introduction to the functional renormalization group 1
QC20.7.R43 M36 1994 Complex dynamics and renormalization / 1
QC20.7.R43 M56 2006 Combinatorics and physics : Mini-Workshop on Renormalization, December 15-16, 2006, Conference on Combinatorics and Physics, March 19-23, 2007, Max Planck Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany / 1
QC20.7.R43 N37 1975 Renormalization theory : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the International School of Mathematical Physics at the "Ettore Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture in Erice (Sicily) Italy, 17-31 August 1975 / 1
QC20.7.R43 N66 2001 Nonlinear dynamics and renormalization group / 1
QC20.7.R43 R43 1982 Real-space renormalization / 1
QC20.7.R43 S33 1983 Scaling and self-similarity in physics : renormalization in statistical mechanics and dynamics / 1
QC20.7.R43 T54 1992 The Theory of Critical Phenomena : an Introduction to the Renormalization Group.
The Theory of critical phenomena : an introduction to the renormalization group /
QC20.7.R43 V37 2004 The field theoretic renormalization group in critical behavior theory and stochastic dynamics / 1
QC20.7.R43 V3713 2004eb The field theoretic renormalization group in critical behavior theory and stochastic dynamics 1
QC20.7.S3 A qualitative approach to inverse scattering theory /
Scattering amplitudes in quantum field theory /
QC20.7.S3 A27 1980 Acoustic, electromagnetic, and elastic wave scattering--focus on the T-matrix approach : international symposium held at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 25-27, 1979 / 1
QC20.7.S3 A47 Scattering theory in quantum mechanics : physical principles and mathematical methods / 1
QC20.7.S3 A53 2000 Analytical and computational methods in scattering and applied mathematics / 1
QC20.7.S3 C35 2011 The linear sampling method in inverse electromagnetic scattering / 1
QC20.7.S3 C35 2011eb The linear sampling method in inverse electromagnetic scattering / 1