QC271 .H26
The measurement of temperature / |
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QC271 .H27
Fundamentals of thermometry. |
1 |
QC271 .H276 1998
Handbook of temperature measurement / |
1 |
QC271 .L38 1996
Transient temperature in engineering and science / |
1 |
QC271 .L98 1781
Vollständige und auf Erfahrung gegründete Anweisung die Thermometer zu verfertigen : nebst einer Kupferplatte / |
1 |
QC271 .M483 2001
Temperature measurement / |
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QC271 .M483 2001eb
Temperature measurement |
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QC271 .M5
A history of the thermometer and its use in meteorology / |
1 |
QC271 .N48 2001
Traceable temperatures : an introduction to temperature measurement and calibration / |
1 |
QC271 .N48 2001eb
Traceable temperatures an introduction to temperature measurement and calibration / |
1 |
QC271 .O29
Abhandlungen über Thermometrie : von Fahrenheit, Réaumur, Celsius, (1724, 1730-1733, 1742) / |
1 |
QC271 .P38 2013
Modern gas-based temperature and pressure measurements |
1 |
QC271 .Q85 1983
Temperature / |
1 |
QC271 .R336 2009
Radiometric temperature measurements |
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QC271 .R336 2010
Radiometric temperature measurements. |
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QC271 .R6 1952
The measurement and control of temperatures in industry. |
1 |
QC271 .S36 1986
Thermometry / |
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QC271 .S44 2002
A matter of degrees : what temperature reveals about the past and future of our species, planet, and universe / |
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QC271 .S46 1995
Selected papers on temperature sensing--optical methods / |
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QC271 .S77 1775
Anleitung übereinstimmende Thermometer zu verfertigen : wobei zugleich verschiedene Versuche des Herrn de Lüc geprüfet werden : nebst einer harmonischen Tafel, auf welcher die gebräuchlichsten Thermometer von Weingeist, Quecksilber und Lein-Oehl in Uebereinstimmung gebracht werden / |
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