Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QC28 .S593 2001eb | Environmental physics / | 1 |
QC28 .S87 2011 | Dispersed radiance : caste, gender, and modern science in India / | 1 |
QC28 .T67 1984 | A scientist at the seashore / | 2 |
QC28 .W43 2016eb |
Void the strange physics of nothing / Void : the strange physics of nothing / |
2 |
QC29 | Física para las ciencias de la vida / | 1 |
QC29 .A45 | Special report on the projected supply and demand for physicists / | 1 |
QC29 .B4 | Your future in physics / | 1 |
QC29 .C65 1977 |
Physics careers, employment, and education (Penn State, 1977) / Physics careers, employment, and education (Penn State, 1977) |
2 |
QC29 .E4 | Work complex study : the match between academic training and employment of physicists / | 1 |
QC29 .I264 2017eb | Entrepreneurship for physicists : a practical guide to move inventions from university to market / | 1 |
QC29 .K75 1992 | Doing physics : how physicists take hold of the world / | 2 |
QC29 .K75 2012eb | Doing physics : how physicists take hold of the world / | 2 |
QC29 .R45 2002 | Landing your first job : a guide for physics students / | 1 |
QC29 .T73 1979 | The transition in physics doctoral employment, 1960-1990 / | 1 |
QC30 |
Big ideas in physics and how to teach them : teaching physics 11-18 / Das akademische Selbstkonzept angehender Physiklehrkräfte als Teil ihrer professionellen Identität : Dimensionalität und Veränderung während einer zentralen Praxisphase / Modellierung und Erfassung Von Kompetenzen Naturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisgewinnung Bei (Lehramts- ) Studierenden Im Fach Physik. Developing critical thinking in physics the apprenticeship of critique / Physics teacher education : more about what matters / Kvalita fyzikálního vzdělávání v rukou učitele / The Role of consciousness in the physical world / FALKO-Physik : Fachspezifische Lehrerkompetenzen im Fach Physik. Entwicklung und Validierung eines Testinstruments zur Erfassung des fachspezifischen Professionswissens von Physiklehrkräften / Thinking in physics : the pleasure of reasoning and understanding / Key competences in physics teaching and learning : selected contributions from the International Conference GIREP EPEC 2015, Wroclaw Poland, 6-10 July 2015 / Upgrading Physics Education to Meet the Needs of Society / Introduzione al Laboratorio di Fisica : Misure e Teoria delle Incertezze / Esercizi di fisica di base / Frontiers in Physics 3rd International Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-16 January 2009 / Cognitive and metacognitive problem-solving strategies in post-16 physics a case study using action research / 2009 Physics Education Research Conference Ann Arbor, MI, 29-30 July 2009 / Physics education and gender identity as an analytic lens for research / Classical physics a two-semester coursebook / Modern Trends in Physics : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Modern Research. New challenges and opportunities in physics education / Physics teacher education what matters? / Physics education today : innovative methodologies, tools and evaluation / Fear of physics : and how to help students overcome it / Multiple representations in physics education / Research and innovation in physics education two sides of the same coin / Entwicklung und Validierung eines Instruments zur Erfassung der professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung angehender Physiklehrkräfte Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung kognitiver und metakognitiver Prozesse in der Studieneingangsphase : eine Design-Based-Research-Studie zum universitären Lernzentrum Physiktreff / WIE DIAGNOSTIZIEREN STUDIERENDE DES LEHRAMTES PHYSIKBEZOGENE LERNPROZESSE VON SCHULER*INNEN? EINE VIDEOSTUDIE ZUR MECHANIK. Einfluss der sprachlichen Konzeption auf die Einschätzung der Qualität instruktionaler Unterrichtserklärungen im Fach Physik / WISSENSCHAFTLICHE KONTROVERSEN IM PHYSIKUNTERRICHT EXPLORATIONSSTUDIE ZUM UMGANG VON PHYSIKLEHRKRAFTEN UND PHYSIKLEHRAMTSSTUDIERENDEN. The role of laboratory work in improving physics teaching and learning / Physics education / |
33 |
QC30 .A33 2013eb | Adapting to a changing world : challenges and opportunities in undergraduate physics education / | 1 |
QC30 .A4353 | Methods of teaching physics in Soviet secondary schools : proceedings of the Institute of Teaching Methods / | 1 |
QC30 .A54 | Graduate programs in physics, astronomy and related fields. | 1 |
QC30 .A55 | Physics in your high school : a handbook for the improvement of physics courses. | 1 |
QC30 .A667 | Approach to physical sciences, 1970 / | 1 |