Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC425 .L67 1997 On the theory of the reflection and refraction of light : academic dissertation for acquiring the degree of Doctor in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences at Leyden University / 1
QC425 .N4 Theorie der doppelten strahlenbrechung : abgeleitet aus den gleichungen der mechanik / 1
QC425 .N45 1672a New theory about light and colors. 1
QC425 .R44 1989 Reflective optics II : 27-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida /
Reflective optics II 27-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida /
QC425 .S34 Über die reflexion des lichtes in einer inhomogenen schicht .. 1
QC425 .S664 2007eb Specular gloss 1
QC425 .Y33 1969 Tables of angular scattering functions for heterodisperse systems of spheres / 1
QC425.2 .C63 2002 I see myself / 2
QC425.4 .H42 1995 Reflectometer distance measurement between parallel conductive plates / 1
QC425.4 .L36 Specular reflection / 1
QC426 .P48 2005eb Physics of photorefraction in polymers / 1
QC426 .R44 1995 Refractometry 16-20 May 1994, Warsaw, Poland /
Refractometry : 16-20 May 1994, Warsaw, Poland /
QC426 .S65 1987 Descartes's theory of light and refraction : a discourse on method / 1
QC426.8.L37 R56 2010 Laser refractography 1
QC426.8.N44 P585 2007 Physics of negative refraction and negative index materials : optical and electronic aspects and diversified approaches / 1
QC427 Generalized Lorenz-Mie theories /
Photon correlation and light beating spectroscopy /
QC427 .L54 v.6 Light scattering reviews. 1
QC427 .M63 1991 Modern analysis of scattering phenomena : proceedings from the international workshop held at Domaine de Tournon, Aix-en-Provence, France, 5-8 September 1990 / 1
QC427 .N37 1973 Photon correlation and light beating spectroscopy : [proceedings] / 1
QC427 .O78 1991 Optical scatter : applications, measurement, and theory, 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California / 1