Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC446.15 .C65 2009e Complex light and optical forces III 28-29 January 2009, San Jose, California, United States / 1
QC446.15 .C65 2010e Complex light and optical forces IV 27-28 January 2010, San Francisco, California, United States / 1
QC446.15 .C65 2011e Complex light and optical forces V 26-27 January 2011, San Francisco, California, United States / 1
QC446.15 .C65 2012e Complex light and optical forces VI 25-26 January 2012, San Francisco, California, United States / 1
QC446.15 .C65 2013e Complex light and optical forces VII : 5-7 February 2013, San Francisco, California, United States / 1
QC446.15 .C65 2014e Complex light and optical forces VIII : 4-6 February 2014, San Francisco, California, United States / 1
QC446.15 .C68 1988 Nonlinear optics and optical computing / 1
QC446.15 .E45 1990 Systèmes fondamentaux en optique quantique = Fundamental systems in quantum optics / 1
QC446.15 .E97 1990 ECOOSA 90--quantum optics : proceedings of the European Conference on Optics, Optical Systems and Applications held in Rome, Italy, 7-9 November 1990 / 1
QC446.15 .F76 1993 Frontiers in nonlinear optics : the Serge Akhamov memorial volume / 1
QC446.15 .F86 1987 Fundamentals of quantum optics II proceedings of the third meeting on laser phenomena held at the Bundessportheim in Obergurgl, Austria, February 22-28, 1987 / 1
QC446.15 .F862 1993 Fundamentals of quantum optics III : proceedings of the fifth meeting on laser phenomena /
Fundamentals of quantum optics III proceedings of the fifth meeting on laser phenomena /
QC446.15 .I13 1995b ICONO '95 laser chemistry, biophysics, and biomedicine : 27 June-1 July, 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia / 1
QC446.15 .I13 1995c ICONO '95 : atomic and quantum optics : high-precision measurements, 27 June-1 July, 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia / 1
QC446.15 .I13 1995d ICONO '95 : nonlinear optics of low-dimensional structures and new materials, 27 June-1 July, 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia / 1
QC446.15 .I13 1995e ICONO '95 : nonlinear optical interactions and wave dynamics : 27 June-1 July, 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia / 1
QC446.15 .I13 2001 ICONO 2001 : Nonlinear optical phenomena and Nonlinear dynamics of optical systems : 26 June-1 July, 2001, Minsk, Belarus / 1
QC446.15 .I131 2001 ICONO 2001 : Nonlinear optical phenomena and Nonlinear dynamics of optical systems : 26 June-1 July, 2001, Minsk, Belarus / 1
QC446.15 .I15 1998 ICONO '98 : nonlinear optical phenomena and coherent optics in information technologies : 29 June-3 July 1998, Moscow, Russia / 1
QC446.15 .I153 1998 ICONO '98 : quantum optics, interference phenomena in atomic systems, and high-precision measurements : 29 June-3 July, 1998, Moscow, Russia / 1