Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC451 .H3 Internal reflection spectroscopy / 1
QC451 .H35 Practical spectroscopy / 1
QC451 .H376 1996 Light spectroscopy / 1
QC451 .H453 1937 Atomic spectra and atomic structure / 1
QC451 .H453 1944 Atomic spectra and atomic structure / 1
QC451 .H463 Molecular spectra and molecular structure ... / 1
QC451 .H464 Molecular spectra and molecular structure / 1
QC451 .H468 Molecular spectra and molecular structure ... / 1
QC451 .H65 1987 Modern spectroscopy / 1
QC451 .H65 1992 Modern spectroscopy / 1
QC451 .H65 1996 Modern spectroscopy / 1
QC451 .H65 2004 Modern spectroscopy / 1
QC451 .H66 2007 Assigning structures to ions in mass spectrometry / 1
QC451 .H83 Theory of spectroscopy : an elementary introduction. 1
QC451 .H85 Linienspektren und periodisches System der Elemente / 1
QC451 .I53 1962 Proceedings of the Xth Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale / 1
QC451 .I54 International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes.
International journal of mass spectrometry and ion physics.
QC451 .I55 1961 Molecular spectroscopy : general and introductory lectures. 1
QC451 .I58 Multilingual dictionary of important terms in molecular spectroscopy. 1
QC451 .I86 2000 ISO beyond the peaks : proceedings of the second ISO Workshop on Analytical Spectroscopy, Madrid, Spain, 2-4 February 2000 / 1