Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC47.N75 D57 Directory of physics & astronomy staff. 1
QC47.S7 ebook Didáctica de la física y la química /
Física y química : investigación, innovación y buenas prácticas /
Física y química : complementos de formación disciplinar /
QC47.S8 A5 Science teaching and the development of thinking : development of concrete operational thinking and of language resulting from the SCIS/LMN spatial concepts unit "Relativity of position and motion" / 1
QC49 .F75 2001 The politics of excellence : behind the Nobel Prize in science / 2
QC51 .C3 A history of the Cavendish laboratory 1871-1910. : With 3 portraits in a collotype and 8 other illustrations. 1
QC51.C3 L4 The Cavendish Laboratory, nursery of genius. 1
QC51.C3 W6 The Cavendish Laboratory / 1
QC51.C47 L4 The demonstration laboratory of physics at the University of Chicago / 1
QC51 .G6 Die physikalischen Institute der Universität Göttingen. : Festschrift im Anschlusse an die Einweihung der Neubauten am 9. dezember 1905 / 1
QC51.G62 H84 2008eb A focus of discoveries / 1
QC51.G62 P493 1989 An institute for an empire : the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt, 1871-1918 / 1
QC51.G62 P495 2008 A focus of discoveries / 1
QC51.G72 C353 1974 The Cavendish Laboratory, 1874-1974
The Cavendish Laboratory, 1874-1974 /
QC51.G72 C353 2016 Maxwell's enduring legacy : a scientific history of the Cavendish laboratory / 1
QC51.N7 .D65 2009 Velvet revolution at the synchrotron : biology, physics, and change in science / 1
QC51.N7 .D65 2009eb Velvet revolution at the synchrotron : biology, physics, and change in science /
Velvet revolution at the synchrotron biology, physics, and change in science /
QC51.U6 N37 1999eb Cooperative stewardship : managing the nation's multidisciplinary user facilities for research with synchrotron radiation, neutrons, and high magnetic fields / 1
QC51.U62 An assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Physical Measurement Laboratory : fiscal year 2015 / 1
QC51.U62 P59 2008eb An assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Physics Laboratory : fiscal year 2008 / 1
QC51.U62 P59 2010eb An assessment of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Physics Laboratory : fiscal year 2010 / 1