Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC515.O37 A413 2011 The travel letters of H. C. Ørsted / 1
QC515 .P76 1998 Proceedings of photon propagation in tissues III 6-8 September 1997, San Remo, Italy / 1
QC515.T5 T4 1920x Silvanus Phillips Thompson, D. SC., LL. D., F.R.S.; his life and letters / 1
QC515.T53 T4 J.J. Thomson and the Cavendish Laboratory in his day. 1
QC515.T53 T4 1966 J. J. Thomson, discoverer of the electron / 1
QC515.V8 P36 2003 Volta : science and culture in the Age of Enlightenment / 1
QC516 .F7 Experiments and observations on electricity made at Philadelphia in America / 1
QC516 .F85 1754 New experiments and observations on electricity : made at Philadelphia in America / 1
QC516 .F85 1941 Benjamin Franklin's Experiments : a new edition of Franklin's Experiments and observations on electricity / 1
QC516 .P95 The history and present state of electricity with original experiments / 1
QC516 .P95 1966 The history and present state of electricity : with original experiments / 1
QC517 Electrical researches of the honorable Henry Cavendish 1
QC517 .A2813 AEpinus's Essay on the theory of electricity and magnetism / 1
QC517 .A375 1979eb Aepinus's essay on the theory of electricity and magnetism / 1
QC517 .A63 1883 Théorie mathématique des phénomènes électro-dynamiques : uniquement déduite de l'expérience / 1
QC517 .B35 2013 Electrical technology. 1
QC517 .C35 1879a The electrical researches of the Honourable Henry Cavendish / 1
QC517.F37 E9 1839 Experimental researches in electricity / 1
QC517 .S56 2015eb Elements of electricity and electro-chemistry / 1
QC518 The electric theories of J. Clerk Maxwell : a historical and critical study / 1