Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC661 .K525 1992 Lateral electromagnetic waves : theory and applications to communications, geophysical exploration, and remote sensing / 1
QC661 .K53 The scattering and diffraction of waves / 1
QC661 .K63 The passage of electromagnetic waves through the ionosphere. 1
QC661 .K64 Stationary waves in ionosphere. : Time taken by the radio signal sent out vertically to the ground. 1
QC661 .K648 1986 Electromagnetic wave theory / 1
QC661 .K72 Electromagnetics. 1
QC661 .K72 1984 Electromagnetics / 1
QC661 .K72 1999 Electromagnetics : with applications / 1
QC661 .K75 1994 Quantum-theoretical formalism for inhomogeneous graded-index waveguides / 1
QC661 .K84 2021 Theory of waveguides and transmission lines / 1
QC661 .L2413 Electrodynamique des milieux continus / 1
QC661 .L2413 1984 Electrodynamics of continuous media
Electrodynamics of continuous media /
QC661 .L2413 2009 Electrodynamics of continuous media / 1
QC661 .L4 Short waves / 1
QC661 .L43 Advanced theory of waveguides. 1
QC661 .L435 Theory of waveguides : techniques for the solution of waveguide problems / 1
QC661 .L458 2020eb Theory of electromagnetic beams / 1
QC661 .L52 1994 Electromagnetic waves in chiral and Bi-isotropic media / 1
QC661 .L58 2011 Muonium-antimuonium oscillations in an extended minimal supersymmetric standard model 1
QC661 .M13 Electric waves : being an Adams prize essay in the University of Cambridge / 1