Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QC689.55.S45 U55 2005 | Unlocking dynamical diversity : optical feedback effects on semiconductor lasers / | 2 |
QC689.55.S45 Y36 2014 | Theory of Semiconductor Lasers From Basis of Quantum Electronics to Analyses of the Mode Competition Phenomena and Noise / | 1 |
QC689.55.S45 Y4 2004 | Tunable external cavity diode lasers / | 1 |
QC689.55.S45 Y4 2004eb | Tunable external cavity diode lasers / | 1 |
QC689.6.L35 | Optical and Electronic Cooling of Solids : 17-18 February 2016, San Francisco, California, United / | 1 |
QC689.6.L37 S45 2009eb | Self-focusing, past and present fundamentals and prospects / | 1 |
QC700 .I58 1987x | 34th International Field Emission Symposium = 34ème Symposium international d'emission de champ : July 13-17, 1987, Osaka (Japan) / | 1 |
QC700 .I681 1989 | 36th International Field Emission Symposium : July 31, August 4, 1989, Oxford, Great Britain / | 1 |
QC700 .I681 1996 | IFES'96 : proceedings of the 43rd International Field Emission Symposium = 43e Symposium International d'Emission de Champ, Moscow, Russia, July 14-19, 1996 / | 1 |
QC700 .M63 1984 | Field, thermionic, and secondary electron emission spectroscopy / | 2 |
QC701 |
System level ESD protection / Pulsed electrical discharges for medicine and biology : techniques, processes, applications / The collected works of Irving Langmuir. with contributions in memoriam including a complete bibliography of his works / |
3 |
QC701 .H34 | Vacuum as an insulator : an indexed bibliography / | 1 |
QC701 .I52 | International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. | 1 |
QC701 .P38 2023 | Partial discharges (PD) : detection, identification, and localization / | 1 |
QC701 .R4 | Thermionic emission / | 1 |
QC701 .R5 | The emission of electricity from hot bodies / | 1 |
QC701 .R5 1921 | The emission of electricity from hot bodies. | 1 |
QC701 .S7 1944 | Elektrische stossfestigkeit : von dr.-ing. R. Strigel; mit 291 textabbildungen. | 1 |
QC701 .S76 2023 | Practical partial discharge measurement on electrical equipment / | 1 |
QC701 .U84 2019 | Electro-discharge technology for drilling for wells and concrete destruction / | 1 |