Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC718 .V45 Reactions under plasma conditions / 1
QC718 .V534 2005 Physics and applications of complex plasmas / 1
QC718 .V63 Reviews of plasma physics. 1
QC718 .V63 v.24 Reviews of plasma physics. 1
QC718 .W3 Electromagnetics and plasmas / 1
QC718 .W66 2004 Physics of plasmas / 1
QC718 .Y66 2019 Classical Kinetic Theory of Weakly Turbulent Nonlinear Plasma Processes / 1
QC718.15 The collected works of Irving Langmuir : with contributions in memoriam including a complete bibliography of his works. 1
QC718.15 (INTERNET) Plasma and fusion science 16th IAEA Technical Meeting on Research using Small Fusion Devices ; XI Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics, Mexico City (Mexico), 30 November-3 December and 5-9 December 2005 / 1
QC718.15 .M6 Modern plasma physics : Trieste course 1979 : a basic course given at an autumn college at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, 16 October to 23 November 1979, and selected lectures on advanced topics in fusion research presented at the college. 1
QC718.15 .N37 Space plasma physics : the study of solar-system plasmas / 1
QC718.15 .P55 Plasma physics : lectures from the Culham Plasma Physics Summer Schools, held at the UKAEA Culham Laboratory, Abingdon / 1
QC718.4 .B47 2019  
QC718.4 .B57 1985 Plasma physics via computer simulation / 1
QC718.4 .B57 1991 Plasma physics via computer simulation
Plasma physics via computer simulation /
QC718.4 .B57 2005eb  
QC718.4 .B75 2019e Plasma simulations by example / 1
QC718.4 C37 2016 Fundamental aspects of plasma chemical physics kinetics / 1
QC718.4 .D73 2006 High-energy-density physics : fundamentals, inertial fusion, and experimental astrophysics / 2
QC718.4 .K66 2010 Nonlinear physics of plasmas / 1