Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC753 .G6 Paramagnetic relaxation. 1
QC753 .H4 Magnetische Werkstoffe und ihre technische Anwendung. 1
QC753 .I2 IEEE transactions on magnetics. 1
QC753 .I48 Abstracts of the ... Intermag Conference /
Digests of the Intermag Conference.
QC753 .I5 1961 Proceedings. 1
QC753 .I58 1961 Proceedings. 1
QC753 .K56 Ferromagnetismus. : Mit einem Beitrag: Quantentheorie und Elektronentheorie des Ferromagnetismus / 1
QC753 .L79 A treatise on magnetism : general and terrestrial / 1
QC753 .M24 Magnetism and metallurgy / 1
QC753 .M32 1967a Magnetism in solids / 1
QC753 .M34 The theory of magnetism : an introduction to the study of cooperative phenomena / 1
QC753 .M6 The physical principles of magnetism / 1
QC753 .M6 2001 The physical principles of magnetism / 1
QC753 .N46 Ferromagnetic domains : a basic approach to the study of magnetism. 1
QC753 .N46 1967 Ferromagnetic domains : a basic approach to the study of magnetism. 1
QC753 .P28 1962 Magnetism : from loadstone to polar wandering. 1
QC753 .P4 Molecular magnetism / 1
QC753 .R3 Magnetism /
QC753 .S39 1962 Fluctuation, relaxation and resonance in magnetic systems / 1
QC753 .S52 Poluchenie i ispolʹzovanie bolʹshikh impulʹsnykh magnitnykh poleĭ : sbornik referatov, 1923-1961 gg. / 1