Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC760 .S55 Electromagnetism / 1
QC760 .S55 1969 Electromagnetism / 1
QC760 .S564 2016eb Explicit symmetry breaking in electrodynamic systems and electromagnetic radiation / 1
QC760 .S74 Intermediate mathematics of electromagnetics / 1
QC760 .S92 2000 Electromagnetic simulation using the FDTD method /
Electromagnetic simulation using the FDTD method
QC760 .S92 2013 Electromagnetic simulation using the FDTD method 1
QC760 .S92 2013eb Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method 1
QC760 .T34 1995 Computational electrodynamics : the finite-difference time-domain method / 1
QC760 .T34 2000 Computational electrodynamics : the finite-difference time-domain method / 1
QC760 .T34 2005 Computational electrodynamics : the finite-difference time-domain method. 1
QC760 .T36 2005 Iron dominated electromagnets : design, fabrication, assembly and measurements / 1
QC760 .T53 1990 A development of the equations of electromagnetism in material continua / 1
QC760 .T55 1999eb Time domain electromagnetics /
Time domain electromagnetics
QC760 .T56 1999 Time domain electromagnetics / 1
QC760 .T66 2019 The Nyström method in electromagnetics / 1
QC760 .T74 2003 Analytical modeling in applied electromagnetics / 1
QC760 .U43 1997 Fundamentals of applied electromagnetics / 1
QC760 .U43 1999 Fundamentals of applied electromagnetics / 1
QC760 .U49 1999 Fundamentals of applied electromagnetics / 1
QC760 .U49 2007 Fundamentals of applied electromagnetics / 1