Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC793 .P37 1982 Particles and fields-1981 testing the standard model : (APS/DPF, Santa Cruz) / 1
QC793 .P47 1989 Perspectives on particle physics : from mesons and resonances to quarks and strings / 1
QC793 .P49 1992 Physics at the highest energy and luminosity : to understand the origin of mass / 1
QC793 .P49 1992eb Physics at the highest energy and luminosity : to understand the origin of mass / 1
QC793 .R38 1987 The standard model : the Supernova 1987A : proceedings of the Leptonic Session of the Twenty-Second Rencontre de Moriond, Les Arcs-Savoie-France, March 8-15, 1987 / 1
QC793 .R39 1987 v. 2 Hadrons, quarks and gluons : proceedings of the Hadronic Session of the Twenty-Second Rencontre de Moriond, Les Arcs-Savoie-France, March 15-21, 1987 / 1
QC793 .R39 1987, v. 2 Hadrons, quarks and gluons : proceedings of the Hadronic Session of the Twenty-Second Rencontre de Moriond, Les Arcs-Savoie-France, March 15-21, 1987 / 1
QC793 .R45 1971 High energy phenomenology : proceedings of the Sixth Rencontre de Moriond, Meribel-les-Allues (France), March 7-9 [i.e. 7-19], 1971 / 1
QC793 .R46 2001 Les Rencontres de physique de la Vallée d'Aoste : results and perspectives in particle physics : La Thuile, Aosta Valley, 4-10 March, 2001 / 1
QC793 .R55 1988 Hadronic matrix elements and weak decays : proceedings of the Ringberg Workshop on Hadronic Matrix Elements and Weak Decays, Ringberg Castle near Munich, F.R. Germany, 17-22 April 1988 / 1
QC793 .S27 2008 Particle and astroparticle physics / 1
QC793 .S27 2008eb Particle and astroparticle physics 1
QC793 .S37 1973 Phenomenology of particles at high energies : proceedings of the Fourteenth Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, 1973 / 1
QC793 .S437 2010 Search for the "totally unexpected" in the LHC era : proceedings of the International School of Subnuclear Physics / 1
QC793 .S47 1978 Proceedings of the Seoul Symposium on Elementary Particle Physics in Memory of Benjamin W. Lee, September 1-5, 1978 / 1
QC793 .S68 2001 Particle Physics at the Start of the New Millenniums : Proceedings of the Ninth Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, Moscow, Russia 20-26 September 1999. 1
QC793 .S77 1995 Strong interactions at long distances / 1
QC793 .S85 1973 Particles, quantum fields and statistical mechanics : Proceedings of the 1973 Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics held at the Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico City /
Particles, quantum fields and statistical mechanics Proceedings of the 1973 Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics held at the Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico City /
QC793 .S855 1995 1995 Summer School in High Energy Physics and Cosmology : ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 12 June-28 July 1995 / 1
QC793 .S86 1993 1992 Summer Workshop : Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility, Newport News, Virginia / 1