Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC793.3.F5 W58 1986 Field theory in particle physics /
Field theory in particle physics
QC793.3.F5 Z45 2011 Quantum field theory. a bridge between mathematicians and physicists / 1
QC793.3.G38 Gauge field theory in natural geometric language : a revisitation of mathematical notions of quantum physics /
Mathematical gauge theory : with applications to the standard model of particle physics /
Scattering amplitudes in gauge theories /
Introductory lectures on higher-spin theories /
Classical Theory of Gauge Fields.
Spinning Strings and Correlation Functions in the AdS/CFT Correspondence /
Gauge interactions : theory and experiment /
One hundred years of gauge theory past, present and future perspectives /
Gauge Theories Of Strong, Weak, And Electromagnetic Interactions
Gauge/gravity duality : foundations and applications /
Conical intersections in physics an introduction to synthetic gauge theories /
QC793.3.G38 A34 2003eb Gauge theories in particle physics : a practical introduction. 1
QC793.3.G38 A56 2015 Gauge/gravity duality : foundations and applications / 1
QC793.3.G38 B33 2020 Lattice quantum field theory of the Dirac and gauge fields : selected topics / 1
QC793.3.G38 B35 2004 Cosmology in gauge field theory and string theory / 1
QC793.3.G38 B35 2004eb Cosmology in gauge field theory and string theory / 2
QC793.3.G38 B47 2023 Gauge symmetries, symmetry breaking, and gauge-invariant approaches / 1
QC793.3.G38 B87 2009 Noncovariant gauges in canonical formalism /
Noncovariant gauges in canonical formalism
QC793.3.G38 .C33 2018 An introduction to gauge theories / 1
QC793.3.G38 F86 2010eb Fundamental interactions : a memorial volume for Wolfgang Kummer / 1
QC793.3.G38 G36 2019 Gauge invariance approach to acoustic fields / 1
QC793.3.G38 G37 2001 Gauge theories in the twentieth century / 1
QC793.3.G38 G37 2001eb Gauge theories in the twentieth century / 1
QC793.3.G38 G38 2001 Gauge theories in the twentieth century / 1
QC793.3.G38 G74 2020 An introduction to the confinement problem / 1
QC793.3.G38 H43 2009 Gauging what's real : the conceptual foundations of contemporary gauge theories / 1
QC793.3.G38 H66 1994 Under the spell of the gauge principle / 1
QC793.3.G38 H835 2007 Fundamental forces of nature : the story of gauge fields / 1