Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QC793.3.Q35 Q22 2015 | QCD and heavy quarks : in memoriam Nikolai Uraltsev / | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 Q23 | QCD. | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 Q24 | QCD. | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 Q25 2005 | QCD 05 proceedings of the QCD 05 : 12th High-energy Physics International Conference on Quantum ChromoDynamics, Montpellier, France, 4-8 July 2005 / | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 S47 1988 | The QCD vacuum, hadrons and the superdense matter / | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 S47 2004 | The QCD vacuum, hadrons, and superdense matter / | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 S47 2004eb | The QCD Vacuum, Hadrons And Superdense Matter 2nd Edition. | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 S55 2019eb | Soft and hard probes of QCD topological structures in relativistic heavy-ion collisions / | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 S76 2019eb | Structure of nucleon excited states from lattice QCD / | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 S85 1978 |
Quantum chromodynamics, La Jolla Institute, 1978 / Quantum chromodynamics, La Jolla Institute, 1978 |
3 |
QC793.3.Q35 T44 1995 | QCD & beyond : proceedings of the Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics (TASI '95), Boulder, Colorado, USA, 4-30 June 1995 / | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 T44 2014 | TASI 2014 : journeys through the precision frontier : amplitudes for colliders : proceedings of the 2014 Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics, Boulder, Colorado, 2-27 June 2014 / | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 T66 1988 | Topical Conference on Nuclear Chromodynamics : Argonne National Laboratory, May 19-21, 1988 / | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 T75 2001eb | Light-cone physics particles and strings : proceedings of the international workshop Trento 2001 : Trento, Italy, 3-11 September 2001 / | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 T76 2010 | T(r)opical QCD 2010 Cairns, Queensland, 26 September-1 October 2010 / | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 V33 1992 |
Vacuum structure and QCD sum rules Vacuum structure and QCD sum rules / |
2 |
QC793.3.Q35 V35 2013 | The mass gap and its applications / | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 V35 2013eb | The mass gap and its applications / | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 W38 2004 | The quantum quark / | 1 |
QC793.3.Q35 W66 1987 | Proceedings of the Workshop on Mesonic Degrees of Freedom in Hadrons : Bled/Ljubljana, June 28-July 12, 1987 / | 1 |