Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC793.3.V5 W67 1990 Testing CPT and studying CP violation at a [phi] factory : proceedings of the Workshop on Testing CPT and Studying CP Violation at a [Phi] Factory, UCLA, CA, USA, 20-27 April 1990 / 1
QC793.3.W3 D96 1986 Dynamics of wave packets in molecular and nuclear physics proceedings of the international meeting held in Priorij Corsendonck, Belgium, July 2-4, 1985 /
Dynamics of wave packets in molecular and nuclear physics : proceedings of the international meeting held in Priorij Corsendonck, Belgium, July 2-4, 1985 /
QC793.3.W3 G76 1997 Particle physics and the Schrödinger equation / 1
QC793.3.W3 G76 1997eb Particle physics and the Schrödinger equation / 1
QC793.3.W3 P48 2000 The physics and chemistry of wave packets / 1
QC793.4 Probability and statistics for particle physics /
Statistical methods for data analysis : with applications in particle physics /
QC793.4 .D38 2013 Data analysis in high energy physics a practical guide to statistical methods / 1
QC793.4 .E36 2005eb Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model Ecole d'été de physique théorique des Houches session LXXXIV, 1-26 August 2005, Ecole Thematique du CNRS /
Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model : Ecole d'été de physique théorique des Houches session LXXXIV, 1-26 August 2005, Ecole Thematique du CNRS /
QC793.4 .G37 Originality and competition in science : a study of the British high energy physics community / 1
QC793.4 .N38 2006 Revealing the hidden nature of space and time : charting the course for elementary particle physics / 1
QC793.4 .N38 2006eb Revealing the hidden nature of space and time : charting the course for elementary particle physics / 1
QC793.4 T38 1986 Nobel dreams : power, deceit, and the ultimate experiment / 1
QC793.412 .D37 2000 Data analysis techniques for high-energy physics / 1
QC793.412 .D37 2000eb Data analysis techniques for high-energy physics 1
QC793.412 .F73 2013 Shifting standards : experiments in particle physics in the twentieth century / 2
QC793.412 .I55 1990 Data structures for particle physics experiments : evolution or revolution? : proceedings of the 14th Workshop of the INFN ELOISATRON Project, Erice, Trapani, Sicily, Italy, 11-18 November, 1990 / 1
QC793.412 .K53 1995 Non-accelerator particle physics / 1
QC793.412 .P47 1996 Reflections on experimental science / 1
QC793.412 .S35 1990 Experimental apparatus for high energy particle physics and astrophysics : 4th San Miniato Topical Seminar, San Miniato, Tuscany, Italy, 28 May-1 June 1990 / 1
QC793.412 .T664 1996 Experimental apparatus for particle physics and astrophysics : proceedings of the 6th Topical Seminar on Experimental Apparatus for Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Centro Studi 'I Cappucini' della Cassa di Risparmo di San Miniato, San Miniato al Todesco, Italy, 20-24 May 1996 / 1